Grade 4-6 Production

UNPRECEDENTED - Thursday November 2nd, Ulumbarra Theatre

This year's production is "Unprecedented". Seriously, that's its name! But it will also be pretty darn good, too!


Unprecedented is a drama/comedy/musical, with the script being written by Kaine Marsh (White Hills PS), and songs written by Kaine, Louise MacGregor (Local musician, singing teacher and, less relevantly, Kaine's wife) and Epsom Primary's own Dan Mayes.


All acting, singing and rapping roles have been allocated, but it is important to note that ALL Grade 4-6 students will be heavily involved and will each get a large amount of stage time. So please save the date!

Students can rehearse their scenes, songs and dance moves by using our one-stop shop website. Please assist them to bookmark/favourite this for easy access in the future.


So, what is the plot of "Unprecedented"?

Unprecedented follows the up and down journey of a family as the world is turned upside down when COVID-19 strikes. Lockdowns, toilet paper shortages, rule changes and remote learning are just some of the challenges the family faces. 


As we have worked through the play and the songs, students have had opportunities to discuss their experiences and we have been able to look back on the last few years with a different perspective. 


Ticket information will be available as the date gets closer. Rehearsals will continue at school, yet I highly encourage students to practice at home using our dedicated website as well!

They are doing a great job so far and it's going to be a fantastic show!


-Mr. Dan Mayes