Grade 2
In Reading this week we have started our focus on fiction texts. We described a fiction text as ‘a story that someone has made up using their imagination’. We have specifically looked at characterisation and how the main characters can help us understand what is happening throughout the story. During our Reading sessions we have looked at different stories and have described a character's appearance, personality and their feelings.
In Grade 2 this week we have been learning about the four different types of sentences. They included commands, questions, statements and exclamations. We were working on using these sentences in our narrative writing. This week we were required to change the characters of a familiar story. We changed the characters from the story, The Three Little Pigs. Next week we will be changing the characters and problems from the story Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
This week in Mathematics we have continued our work on division. We have practised using different strategies to help us solve simple division problems. These strategies included:
- Using arrays.
- Equal or repeated groups.
- Number lines.
- Repeated subtraction.
Next week we will be looking at volume and capacity.
In the humanities we have been looking at people in our community who can help us if we need it. So far, we have looked at firefighters, police officers and nurses. We have been learning about the different tools and equipment these helpful people use. In the next few weeks we will be looking at natural and constructed resources.
We have really enjoyed working as a cohort in our Wellbeing sessions this week. We have looked at our school values of United and Respect. During our Wellbeing sessions we unpacked what it means to be kind to one another. We brainstormed ways each of us could be kind within our Learning Community, out in the school yard and within the community.