Incursions and Excursions

VET Cookery First Years Excursion
Students of VET Cookery toured the William Angliss Institute and “The Langham” Hotel on Wednesday 30th August. After the tours the students participated in a Buffet lunch at “ The Melba” restaurant at the hotel and experienced foods from different cuisines, containing different ingredients. The Sushi, Seafood and Dessert sections were particularly popular. All students ate well ( 7 platefuls in some cases!) and most fell asleep if they could in the crowded train on the way home.
Student comments about the day were:
I found it really interesting to visit William Anglisss and get to see how many different Hospitality course they have. It allowed me to see what courses I could do in the future to further my Cooking Career.
I really enjoyed the excursion. It was great to see what happens behind the scenes of a Major city Hotel.
My experience on the VET excursion was amazing. I learnt about both places but I loved “The Langham”, not just for the food but for what we saw in our tour.
I liked the part where we ate the food. My favourite part was the ice-cream on the Dessert bar.
My experience at The Langham and William Angliss was exciting especially seeing the multiple classes available at William Angliss. The tour at The Langham was also exciting as we got to see the rooms, the working areas and the kitchens. The food at The Langham was amazing.
Darrabi & GIRLs Program Living Culture Incursion
On Monday the 28th of August we had Lionel from the company Living Culture come to do talk to Darrabi, GIRLs Program and various Indigenous students across the school. There were presentations on Indigenous lifestyle, including bush tucker and medicinal plants, spear throwing, fire making, mediation and artefacts display.
Students learnt about the health benefits of various plants and traditional practices for making medicine and food, where students were able to touch and see numerous native plants to the Melbourne/Penisula area. During the second session, students were taught how to throw a spear and attempted to create a fire only using
wood and toilet paper. This helped to develop students communication and team building skills. At the end of the day, students had a meditation session as Lionel played the ‘yidaki’ (similar to a digeridoo), and he explained that the yidaki helps relax and take away stress and anxiety.
Overall, it was an amusing day, they learnt a lot of new information and were able to participate in some engaging
Year 11 VCE Media City Excursion
On the 29th of august, the Year 11 VCE media students set off to the city, to greater our knowledge about the process of producing films. We learnt about the types of genres, different camera angles, and other essential skills needed to create an awesome film. ACMII provided us
with fancy, big film cameras, and a script, which enabled us to film a wide variety of shots for our short films we had to produce, as well as sticking to a certain storyboard. We filmed for an hour and then edited our films. We played them all in front of the class and it was a blast! Some were
edited to be funny, some were scary. It really highlighted how different people interpret different scripts, which was one of the best parts. My favourite parts of this trip was definitely learning how to enhance our films. As we are currently
doing a short film for our SAC, it really helped the whole class on how to get higher scores by utilising camera shots, angles and how to cause emotion for the audience. Another highlight for all of us would definitely be having the freedom to walk around and customise our films how we liked, walking around the city was a fun and an enjoyable experience for all students who attended and we learnt heaps! Thanks to Mrs Mauger for making this trip possible !
by Taylah Ellis
Year 11