Principal's Message

Dear parents, guardians, students, staff and community members,
I am ecstatic to report that our students have blitzed the results at both Year 7 and Year 9. In all areas of NAPLAN at both Year 7 and Year 9 we have significantly outperformed the state, similar schools to us across the state, and schools across our network. A two page summary of these results is attached. Please have a look. Make no mistake; we are one of the highest performing schools in all of Southern Melbourne. Our students have once again proven that you do not need to attend an expensive private school, nor a select entry high school, to achieve outstanding results. These are significant achievements, and words don’t do justice to the congratulations that all students, staff and parents involved in these results deserve. They are the cumulative result of student effort, parent input at home and partnerships with us, and the relentless collaboration, planning and quality instruction that our staff are delivering across every subject, every class, every day. For the students, I reiterate the message that you have heard me say many times before; your results do not define you, but your effort and application does. It doesn’t matter what results you achieve, so long as you can hold your head high and say that you are giving it your best attempt. No matter what you achieved on NAPLAN, you are all on a continuous scale of learning, and you should always strive for growth. Learning is for life. Congratulations to you all for your efforts, no matter what the result on paper is. We are all very proud of you.
Our amazing Year 12 students are almost at the end of their journey with us! After the holidays they are on the final stretch with either graduation/portfolio interviews or examinations. We wish all of them the very best as they begin the final chapter. Special thanks to the Year 12 teachers.
The annual musical production wrapped up a few weeks ago, and it’s fair to say they have once again shown us that performing arts is alive and well at Kambrya College! Their production of Matilda was extraordinary, and they had many sold out shows across the week. Massive congratulations to all of the students who made up the cast and crew, and also to all of the hard working staff who gave their all for the students. Special thanks to Ms Leya Mackus, Mr Adrian Violi, and Ms Liz Violi for their amazing efforts to lead the show.
We are very close to completing our tender process for the construction of two new permanent buildings at the school. We look forward to providing you with some more detailed updates soon! There are some exciting things coming!
As we now enter the warmer weather, please use these holidays to check that your child has the correct uniform and wears it from day one of next term.
A clear and firm reminder that chewing gum is a strictly prohibited item at the school. It has cost us thousands of dollars in carpet steam cleaning in the past. Students are well aware that it is prohibited. Any student who chooses to bring chewing gum into the school faces a suspension.
A reminder to all parents to please check that your child has a helmet, and enforce that they wear it to and from school. Not only because it is the law, but obviously for their safety.
I know that traffic is difficult in this area, however I implore all parents to please ensure that you do not contribute to safety issues. Please do not use the bus stops at the front of the school for drop off/pick up. Please do not double park. Please do not use the medical centre car park for your drop off/pick up point. Please attempt to use agreed drop off/pick up points with your child(ren) in some of the surrounding streets; picking up at the front of the school is not the only option! The council are enforcing parking laws, and are issuing fines.
Wishing all families a fantastic school holiday period.
Kind regards,
Keith Perry