Watashi Mo!

Wow, it has been a busy month and we are almost at the end of Term 3! We still have some events coming up this term, so we hope to see you at one or all of them.
Family Fun Night
Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the Family Fun Night. It was great to see positive feedback. We’re hoping to build on the event over the next few years, especially with all your help!
You can still provide some feedback here: https://forms.gle/m6qTH8FysW9KLRaT9
Thank you.
Watashi Mo and the Family Fun Night organising committee.
Upcoming events…
Second-hand Uniform Sale
Sale – Monday 4 September 2023 3:15-3:45pm
If you can help out with the sale of second-hand uniforms, please sign up at the following link: https://signup.zone/5cCvLy4vMFTd3Z4DE
Show Your Colours Day and Sports Stadium Lunch
Friday 15 September 2023
Watashi Mo will be having a Show Your Colours Day and Sports Stadium lunch for the students and teachers to mark the last day of term 3. Wear your favourite sports team jersey or colours for a GOLD COIN donation. For lunch, we will have on offer Pies, Vegetable Pasties, Sausage Rolls, and Hot Dogs – all things found at sports events! We will be doing a pre-order to assist with catering purposes and will be sending order forms home shortly. Pre-orders need to be handed in by Friday 8 September.
We need volunteers on the day. So, if you can help out, please sign up at the following link: https://signup.zone/5cCvLy4vMFTd3Z4DE
Mark your calendars…
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Saturday 25 November 2023
We will be holding a Bunnings sausage sizzle at Bunnings South Oakleigh. We will need volunteers on the day. So, if you can take a turn on the grill or at the till, please let us know. We will be providing more details and volunteer sign up in the next few weeks, so watch this space and let other families know!
Watashi Mo Calendar
- Friday 1 September – Sorting second-hand uniform (in Music/Watashi Mo room after drop off)
- Monday 4 September – Second-hand Uniform Stall (basketball court 3:15-3:45pm)
- Friday 15 September – Show Your Colours Day and Sports Stadium Lunch
- Saturday 25 November – Bunnings Sausage Sizzle (Bunnings South Oakleigh)
Next meeting!
Come to our next monthly online meeting on Monday 4 September 7:30pm if you would like to learn more or get involved. This is the link: https://eduvic.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/eduvic/meeting/download/09df80ca1455476e9f8255fa24ce464d?siteurl=eduvic&MTID=m7255aaea9e9b85d5457835f64f1985a0
Meeting number : 2651 052 5941- Meeting password: KNenEJc5k29
You can also join our private FB group, or get in touch with us on email at Watashimo.huntingdale@gmail.com
Watashi Mo Committee 2023
Co-President – Gerri Dickson (Parent 3A)
Co-President – Cristin Bailie (Parent 3B and 1C)
Co-Secretary – Amy Frederickson (Parent 5B, 3A, and FC)
Co-Secretary – Danielle Dithmer (Parent 3B and 1A)
Co-Treasurer – Jenny Segref (Parent 1A)
Co-Treasurer – Hiroka McGregor-Jones (Parent 1B)