3/4 B

Week 9 Term 3

3D Objects and Volume

Recently we have been learning about the volume of 3D objects. In one particular activity called 'Land of Cubes' we were helping Ms Prism create everyday objects out of cubes and finding their volume. 

Balloon Powered Cars

We have finished our balloon powered cars with mixed results. As Thomas Edison once said, "I haven't failed, I've just found 10 000 ways that didn't work". I'd like to say well done to all of the year 3/4s who designed, created, built, modified and tested their cars during our Inquiry unit. It was a challenging task that taught us a lot about persistence, cooperation and team work. The students will now complete their own personal inquiry project on different forces over the last two weeks of term. 

Respectful Relationships

This past week we have talking about how we can manage our anger. We listed situations where we might feel angry and discussed techniques we can use to get back into the 'green' zone. 


Have a wonderful spring holiday break!


Regards, Brendan