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Father's day breakfast
What a fantastic turn out we had for Father's day breakfast last Friday. We hope all the wonderful fathers, grandfathers, uncles and father figures in your children's lives had a wonderful day on Sunday and enjoyed the lovely weather. We also thank all the volunteers who made the Father's Day breakfast possible this year. The children had such a lovely morning.
This week the children have been focusing on division. We have discussed the language around division and focused on the words sharing, dividing and fair/ equal groups. The children have explored the story 'The doorbell rang' which you can watch below by clicking the picture.
We stopped after reading each page of the story and focused on sharing the cookies amoungst the number of children in the house. Once we had the concept of sharing, the children looked at the mathematical symbol for sharing and we discussed that the symbol is just a quick way of saying 'shared between' so we don't have to write the words every time.
Finally the children were able to write a number sentences that showed the number of cookies they started with, draw the number of plates they needed to share the cookies into and how many cookies each person received.
Inquiry/ Ed in Faith
To finish off our unit on light and Sound the children are busily working on making shadow puppets for the stories of 'Jesus Calms the Storm' and 'The Parable of the Sower'.
Next week the children will practise using light, their puppets and sound effects from instruments they have made to put on a shadow puppet production of their chosen bible story.
We can't wait to film them and send them home to you via Seesaw to see what they have learnt over the term about light and sound.
Upcoming events
Tuesday-Thursday: Book Fair open 8:15-9:00am and 3:00-3:30pm
Wednesday: Grandparents Afternoon 2:00pm- 3:15pm
Friday: Book Week Parade 8:45am (wear a costume)
Last day of the term three, finish time 3:15pm
Thank you
Thank you again for a wonderful term. The children have worked extremely hard and all deserve a well earned rest. Enjoy the school holidays with your amazing children and we will see you back on Monday 2nd October for the start of term 4.