
It is almost the end of Term 3. This has been another busy term filled with learning and fun activities such as 100 Days of Prep, Science Week afternoon, Prep and Year 6 Mass and Father's Day/Special Friends breakfast.
In Maths, the Preps explored number patterns and used number patterns to grow patterns. They explained how their pattern was growing and used skip counting to count the pattern.
As the week progressed, the following problem was posed to the students,
On the planet Elsinore, there lives a strange collection of insects. There is the Humped-Back Pede. Show how many squares a Humped Back 6-pede has? The Preps used concrete materials to represent the growing pattern and then had the opportunity to explain their reasoning.
This week, the students are exploring and investigating everyday three-dimensional objects. They worked in pairs to discuss the names of the objects and used a variety of words to describe the objects using their shape knowledge.
During the literacy lessons, the students write a dictated sentence. The sentence contains familiar tricky words, and the students apply their letter sound knowledge to write simple words accurately.
The students construct simple sentences containing a who or what and what doing. They draw a picture first and then write a matching sentence. They are learning to use appropriate capital letters, finger spaces and end punctuation in a sentence and use letter-sound knowledge to write unfamiliar words.
Education in Faith
The Preps worked in small groups and created a "Parable Garden" after listening to the parable of The Sower. The “Parable Garden” is a visual representation of the different types of soil that the seeds fell on and how people listen to the word of God. This interactive activity supported the students understanding of cultivating a receptive heart by listening to the word of God and living their lives accordingly.