6 TG

Term 3 reflection
As we head into our last week of term 3, it is important to look back and reflect on such a fantastic term! It sure has been a very busy term with lots of events and lots of learning! Thank you for all of your hard work! Term 4 will he another busy term!
Book week
A reminder that next Friday we will have our book week parade ! Remember to come dressed in a costume from your favourite book! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Sovereign Hill Camp
We had so much fun on camp! The students have reported that some of their main highlights were panning for gold, the light show at night, and spending time with their friends in their cabins.
They also really enjoyed the costume school and getting into character of a child from the 1850's.
Reflections from camp:
Students were asked: What was the best thing about camp?
Below are some of the students responses.
David: When we went underground in the mines. I really enjoyed seeing how they used a drifter drill and the gun powder to create a hole to find the gold!
Rosie: The best thing about camp was spending time with the grade sixes, dressing up, and knowing what it was like back in 1854. My favorite activity though, was the gold tour where we went down in a train for 90 seconds in the pitch black. When we got down there, we saw gold and tunnels where you would walk to get to different places in the mine. It was really fun seeing how they dug for the gold and the machines they used.
Leo: The best thing about camp was the light show because it was 3D. There was a hill that changed to show a story told by an aboriginal and the water lit up in lots of different colors. This made really interesting and awesome.
Christo: I really enjoyed panning for gold! I liked the process of sifiting through the sand/rock to hopefully find a small piece of gold to keep! I found 2 specs whilst I was panning!
Basketball lightning premiership
On the 25th of August, 20 grade 6 students went to Frankston basketball stadium to represent SFX. I am so proud of these students for their efforts and great sportsmanship on the day! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to any parents who came down to support the kids! Especially a massive thank you to Kevin and Claudio who stayed all day to score for our school - thank you so very much!