Deputy Principal News

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,
Firstly, a huge thank you to all of you and our SFX staff for helping ensure all runs smoothly during Mr Steve's absence. I really appreciate your willingness to be flexible and supportive when we need to make changes to routines such as the Morning Drop off for camp this week and the cancellation of Running Club. While the 5/6s attended camp I have been grateful to my 'Junior Deputy Principals' (Year P - 4) assisting me with all sorts of tasks and responsibilities like setting up the Lego at playtime, distributing the first aid bags and high visibility vests to staff on duty, organising the sports equipment for recess and lunchtime, saying the lunch prayer over the PA, litter picking, etc.
Fire Carrier Excursion
Last Thursday, Miss Tamara, Miss Vanessa and our Fire Carrier Leaders attended a visit to McClelland Gallery where they undertook tours and viewed exhibitions related to Aboriginal art and culture. As always our students represented SFX and themselves in an excellent manner. Miss Tamara was impressed by their intelligent questions and engagement. Upon their return I had the pleasure of chatting with the Fire Carriers about the visit which they told me they enjoyed and was very worthwhile.
Our SFX Morning Routine
I wanted to explain the purpose behind our morning routine which is deliberately in place to support all students experience a calm and happy start to the school day. Several years ago the staff completed the Berry Street Training Program which encompasses a variety of strategies and techniques that are designed to assist in enabling a safe and comfortable routine throughout the day. These strategies are beneficial for all students and especially for those who may experience anxiety or, for whatever reason, have not had a good start to the day before arriving at school. The teachers have several 'positive primers' that occur once the children enter the classroom and throughout the day. These may include calming activities, a circle talk time, a quick physical game, etc. We also share the forthcoming daily events and explain any alterations or special activities so the children are aware of what is happening and any changes to the usual timetable. Research, and our own personal experience and observations tell us that children do not like to be late to school. They feel uncomfortable walking into a classroom where everyone is already settled and knows what is happening. It is also challenging for the class when the teacher is required to break the calm and settled morning transition to explain and re-explain what is occurring when several students arrive late and at different times. So, my sincere thanks to those of you who ensure your children arrive on time regularly - I know this is not always an easy feat and understand there may occasionally be circumstances when an on time arrival may not be possible. Please know we appreciate the effort you are making to be punctual and to support your children and their peers.
What's Coming Up at SFX?
We have several staff out in Week 10 (apart from Mr Steve) Mr Brendan, Miss Terri, Miss Melanie and Miss Tamara from Tuesday onward. We also have some very exciting events as it's SFX Book Week - Yay! Please view the Book Week page in this Newsletter for further information about our Book Week activities.
Monday Semper Dental Van visit
Classes visit Book Fair for viewing
Tuesday Semper Dental Van visit
Book Fair Open 8:15 - 9:00 and 3:00 - 3:30
Wednesday Book Fair Continues 8:15 - 9:00 and 3:00 - 3:30
2pm Grandparents Day + Afternoon Tea for Grandparents
Thursday Book Fair Continues (Last Day)
Friday 8:45 am SFX Book Parade/Dress Up As Your Favourite Book Character Day
Last Day Term 3. School Finishes 3:15pm
Term 4 Commences Monday 2nd October
During Term 4 PE will be on Wednesday - we will send reminders.
We welcome Miss Ashleigh (not our Year 5 Miss Ash) who will be taking PE throughout the term.
Mr Steve returns + a very big and exciting surprise!!!