Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

Book Week

Well, another Book Week has come and gone for another year.  It is always great to see the children get so excited about dressing up as their favourite characters. The Book Week Parade being a highlight. The children’s imaginations ran wild this year, with some very creative costumes.  We had a ‘Charlotte’ from Charlotte's Web; I loved the eight eyes. Mr Shark, from Bad Guys, looking suave, the ever popular Harry Potter and a notable mention goes to Mrs Thompson who once again rocked her costume as a ninja turtle. All the students (and parents) did an amazing job and it is so worthwhile seeing the kids happy and engaged.


Thank you too goes to Mrs Dowling for all the other activities that were organised throughout the week.  There was lots of engagement from all the students reading new books, practising tongue twisters and enjoying the book swaps.  



Hopefully every family has received login codes to the MACSSIS Family Surveys. As communicated in last week’s newsletter, these surveys provide valuable information to the school about how we are going and help us to think about future directions. One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school.  Please try to complete the survey.  We really do value your contribution.   The survey is available online, can be accessed from Monday 28 August and needs to be completed by Friday 15 September 2022. This survey may only be completed once. 

Interrelate - Human Sexuality sessions for students in Years 3- 6 

This evening's Interrelate sessions will be held in the Reception Room at  St Jude's Parish (just next to the Parish Hall) 49 George Street Scoresby. 


In partnership with St Jude’s Primary School, we will once again be offering two optional sessions for families to attend on Tuesday 29th August, 2023.  Prebooked tickets are necessary to attend.

  • Session 1: Where did I come from? (Year 3/4) 6pm
  • Session 2: Preparing for puberty (Year 5/6) 7.15pm

See program outline in separate section of the newsletter. 


Yr 6 Student Jacket Orders - for 2024

The online ordersite for jacket closes at midnight tonight so please ensure that you have placed your child's order by this time.  Please also rememeber to complete the Operoo EForm giving permission for your child's name to appear on the Yr 6 Jacket.


Dad's Afternoon at school

All HT and SMC Dad's are invited to join their children at school on Monday the 4th of September 2.30-3.30pm for some fun activities.

Footy Day - change of date 

We are now going to celebrate `Footy Day’ on Thursday 14th September, rather than Friday 15th September. Students are encouraged to wear colours from any sporting code, however black and yellow is strongly encouraged - go Tigers!!! The Parents’ Association will also coordinate a `footy lunch’ - details to come.

Principal Immersion Tour - Cape York, Queensland

A reminder that Adrian is currently taking part in a Cultural Immersion Tour in Cape York followed by a few days long service leave. During Adrian’s absence please feel free to contact me (Natalie Ballinger) if you need any support.

School Blog

Our students are responsible for a lot of the School Blog content, so please take some time to appreciate their posts. It is also a great way to find out about school events such as Camp, Production, Sports Events, the Arts …. And much more!



Warm Regards,


Natalie Ballinger

Acting Principal

Time to eXcel