Community News

Boggabri Open Spaces Master Plan and Survey
Many thanks to everyone who attended the community meetings held on 21st December 2023 and 17th January 2024 at the Boggabri Court House to discuss the Boggabri Open Spaces Master Plan.
Council values the attendance at these meetings to help shape the future of the Boggabri! All insights, ideas and passion are invaluable.
The Boggabri Open Spaces (CBD, Vickery Park to Anzac Park) Master Plan is a long-term strategy that will guide current and future enhancement programs in the area.
The Master Plan will also affirm the location of the Boggabri Civic Precinct, which is funded by the Council’s 7.12 contributions fund and scheduled to commence construction in early 2025.
If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If you haven’t completed a survey and would like to, please follow the link below or print, complete and return the attached survey to the Boggabri Library.
Online Submission Form:
You can view the Boggabri Draft Masterplan Document here:
Once again, thank you for taking the time to contribute to this process.
International Women's Day Event Boggabri
The Boggabri Womens Shed Inc. is inviting all local women to celebrate 2024's International Women's Day by having a fun night of games and trivia.
Where: Boggabri Golf Club!
When: Friday 8th March 2024
Time: Arrive 6:30pm for a 7pm start
Cost: FREE
Gather tables of 4-6 to celebrate with (18+)
Finger Food provided.
RSVP by Thursday 1st March to Lenise - 0429 804 403 or Bek - 0428 153 177
or email: