
Lunch Orders & School Canteen
Dear Parents
Welcome back to the OPS Canteen. We hope you all had a nice summer break. Please be advised you can now begin placing lunch orders via flexischools. Students can also purchase counter-sale items at recess and lunchtime. Please do not forget to update your child’s classroom details before placing your first lunch order.
Parents of Prep and Grade One students need to be aware that their children are not allowed to buy over the counter items like zooper doopers for their friends. This is to eliminate younger students consuming foods that may cause an allergic reaction.
If you are new to online ordering please visit to create an account. Lunch orders can be placed weeks or days in advance and ordering is available up until 9am every school day. We encourage parents wherever possible to place lunch orders the night before. Flexischools have in the past had some technical issues on Friday’s and this has caused a great deal of stress and confusion for our parents. By placing you child’s order, the night before you can avoid these problems. If you have any concerns regarding the placement of an online order please contact the flexischools Parent Helpline during school hours on the 1300 361 769.
The canteen continues to try and provide a variety of healthy food options for our students. We currently have a number of vegetarian, gluten free and halal food choices. These are all clearly marked with the appropriate food icon in the Flexischools online menu. If you require addition information regarding the ingredients in a menu item please do not hesitate to contact the canteen directly. We are happy provide you with an ingredient list. The canteen does not prepare any food items that contain nuts, seafood or eggs.
This year we would like to offer parents the opportunity to volunteer in the canteen. OPS students love seeing their family members helping in the canteen. Volunteering is available to parents, guardians and grandparents. Unfortunately, due to food handling restrictions and OHS requirements younger siblings are unable to accompany volunteers. Currently the canteen is looking for volunteers on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 1.30pm. If you would like to volunteer please complete the attached form and return it to the school reception.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Canteen Team