Principal Report

Welcome to school (Prep and new student families) and back to school for the 2024 school year. A really BIG thank you to everyone for such a great start to the school year. During the first two days at school I was able to visit every classroom and our students were smiling, working hard and engaged in their learning.
This term will be a very busy one and includes our Getting to Know You Interviews, Cyber Safety Project Incursion, Grade 6 camp to Wilson’s Prom, Grade 5 Camp to Rumbug, Grade 3 and 5 NAPLAN testing, Grade 6 Summer Sports, Oatlands Swimming Trials (grades 4-6) and District Tennis (grades 5-6).
Oatlands Primary School is a values driven school and these values form the foundation of everything we do at Oatlands – including students, staff and broader school community. A key part to this is the value of RESPECT. How we treat and talk to others at school matters. It is very important that we accept each other for who we are, even if we are different from you in some way. Respecting people means saying “Good Morning” and “Good Afternoon”. It means listening to people and taking an interest in them. What we do and how we behave matters a lot and influences the type of day that other people have and the type of day we have. Respecting Oatlands PS means helping to keep our school looking good and following our rules that help our school. It is also important that we respect ourselves and care for ourselves by eating healthy food, drinking lots of water and exercising. Respecting doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE!
During Semester 2 of last year our Grade 5 students went through a process to become a 2024 school leader.
Congratulations and well done to our 2024 OPS Student Leaders.
School Captains – Madison and Akhilesh
School Vice Captains – Saanvi, Hanya, Tye and Jordan
Sports Captains – Cruze and Shanai
Sports Vice Captains – Levi and Hazel
Boyle House Captains – Chase and Nehara
Boyle House Vice Captains – Leighon and Anais
Elliot House Captains – Jaxon and Celoni
Elliot House Vice Captains – Yethum and Gemma
Fraser House Captains – Michelle and Callan
Fraser House Vice Captains – Anna and Max
Perkins House Captains – Rahul and Lizzie
Perkins House Vice Captains – Shanuk and Shenuli
Art Leaders – Medina, Eliza and Hayden
Choir Leaders – Sienna and Laura
Environmental Leaders – Maddie, Cheyenne, Ella, Mackenzie, Khalid and Pravin
Library Leaders – Kendrick, Khushi, Paige, Ash, Anika and Khadija
Technology Leaders – Aayan, RoopJot, Hrithik, Jasraj, Thisun and Aadi
Wes Holloway