Visual Arts

Olivia Winfield and Hayley Rings

In Art we started the year celebrating Chinese New Year, where each student created a scale exploring line, shape and repeated pattern for our huge dragon. The Year 6 students collaborated on the dragon's head producing eyeballs, nostrils, teeth, feathers and the jaws. The Black Rock students have revelled in seeing their work on display in the Chinese Room! 

As a whole school we then collaborated on a Black Rock Primary Love Story mural, where the students individually created a love heart. Foundation students produced scrape paint newspaper hearts, Year 1 twisted pipe cleaner threaded hearts, Year 2 worked on oil pastel resist hearts, Year 3 outlined puff paint hearts on felt, Year 4 explored three dimensional hearts, Year 5 designed posca patterned hearts and Year 6 used material and embroidery skills on hearts. We are currently working on having this mounted in the office.

Stay tuned as we begin to experiment with landscape designs, discussing horizon lines, foregrounds and perspective. Here's a little video students may like to watch to begin to develop their knowledge and understanding of landscapes and practise some simple or more complex artworks.