
What's happening in Wellbeing at BRPS?
This year, to complement the Respectful Relationships program, we have introduced Grow Your Mind. At our school, we believe that education is about academic achievement AND about developing well-rounded individuals who can navigate the complexities of life. We know that when children have the skills of resilience, emotional regulation and perspective, they will do better socially, academically and physically. The Grow Your Mind program aims to provide our students with the tools and resources they need to thrive in all areas of their lives. This is an evidence-based program that aligns with the Personal and Social Capabilities strand of the Victorian Curriculum. It is based on four key pillars of research: Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Public Health and Social & Emotional Learning.
This term students have been learning about the brain and some of its core functions. Each part is linked with an animal character to help children to make links between what is happening in our brain, why it may be happening and the strategies we can draw on to support our wellbeing.
Students have been learning a range of breathing techniques to support their emotional regulation. We encourage you to discuss these at home and practise them together. This will help children to make connections between their learning at school and home and how these can be applied in real-life settings.
Harmony Day - Thursday 21st March
Students will participate in activities to celebrate Harmony Day. We look forward to seeing everyone dressed up in a touch of orange!
Davina Dibbs