Student of The Week Awards - February

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients for February!

Scroll down to see all of the February awards!

Term One, Week One


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Ava Pennell


Ava has been a wonderful ‘Handy Helper’ in 1D this week and has diligently carried out this role to help her teacher and classmates. She willingly contributed to class discussions and was encouraging of others. What a fantastic start to the year!


Cleo Wagner


Cleo is always the first to help out someone in need and shows kindness to her peers each and every day. In the classroom, you can always hear Cleo giving encouragement and compliments to her classmates. How lucky are we to have you in 1N, Cleo! 


Niamh Bakker


Well done to Niamh who has started the year with a bang! She has been getting involved in class discussions, always listens attentively and has been fantastic at transitions between lessons. What an amazing role model in 1S!



Autumn Cobban

Love of Learning

Autumn is to be congratulated on a fantastic start to Year 2! She has shown a love of learning through listening to her teachers and approaching all tasks with enthusiasm. We have been amazed by Autumn’s creativity too! We can’t wait to see you continue to shine in 2C 😊


Winter Anthony


Winter has made a fantastic start to Year Two and been an exemplary leader in 2H. Winter gave everything a go, listened well and managed her time effectively. She also went out of her way to help with extra jobs. Winter is a role model to her classmates!



Aston Sparks

Love of Learning

Aston showed his love of learning by creating a wonderful watercolour painting of Australian Native Fauna, for our Acknowledgment of Country. He took pride in his work and ensured that it was finished to a high standard. Great work Aston!  



Joseph Varinsky 


Joseph is to be congratulated for the confident way he approaches class activities and his positive attitude. He is a respectful and kind-hearted class member who is always willing to help his peers and teachers throughout the day, displaying care and consideration for everyone around him. What a sensational start to the year! 


Georgia Holding


Georgia is a most respectful, kind, and thoughtful student who works in a focused and cooperative manner. She is generous with her time and willingly offers her assistance to help her peers and teachers. Thank you, Georgia, your help is appreciated!



Harvey Cooper


Harvey is to be commended for demonstrating a growth mindset which in turn, contributes to his bravery whilst readily approaching new challenges with a positive outlook. This week, he has enjoyed making some new discoveries with both his teacher and peers. Well done, Harvey! 


Raef Harvey

A Love of Learning

Raef has settled easily into Black Rock Primary School. His love of learning shines through as he approaches all tasks with enthusiasm, shows great concentration and always works to the best of his ability. Well done on a fabulous start to the year Raef.


Ella Magee


Ella has kicked off 2024 with remarkable enthusiasm in 4B, demonstrating a genuine curiosity for her learning. Her proactive approach to learning is evident through her questioning, showcasing a high level of responsibility. Congratulations, Ella!


Ingrid Blunt


Ingrid was an exemplary example of a student displaying all the values we love in our classmates this week. She diligently applied herself to all tasks and wrote a very kind, positive, and honest two-page letter to the teacher. We’re lucky to have you in our class, Ingrid.


Rauridh Bakker


Rauridh displayed wonderful teamwork during his first week in Year 4. When completing a STEM task in a group, he showed that he was able to listen to others and offer constructive feedback for his team to complete the task at hand. Well done Rauridh, for being such a fantastic team member.



Cash Richardson-Murray

Leadership & Kindness

Cash has had a fantastic start to Year 5. It is great to see him interacting positively with his peers and getting involved in our Week 1 activities. Cash has also been a fabulous friend to the new members of our class. He was seen introducing a new student to his friendship group and making sure they were included in the game at lunch. Brilliant work Cash!


Jayshan Kumaran

A Love Of learning

Jayshan’s excellent work ethic and positive attitude is to be greatly admired. He approaches all tasks with enthusiasm, shows great concentration and always works to the best of his ability. Jayshan you are a fantastic role model to your peers!


Charlize Jovetic


Charlize has demonstrated fantastic leadership in her first week of Year 6. She has made a great effort to be a role model for her peers which was noted from day 1. I am looking forward to a great year ahead with Charlize, the sky is the limit!


Stella Wadsworth


Congratulations to Stella in 6M, for your outstanding participation, positivity, and perseverance throughout the first week of school. You have set a welcoming and encouraging tone for the year ahead. You have been a kind, safe and fair role model for your buddy and for your peers! Well done!

Term One, Week Two


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Maisie Angus 

Love of Learning 

Maisie has settled into her first two weeks of primary school beautifully, completing activities with enthusiasm and following new routines with confidence. She has even helped some of her classmates settle in, displaying what a great role model she is in the classroom. We are looking forward to a wonderful year with you Maisie! 


Ollie Judson


Congratulations to Ollie for showing outstanding Kindness in Foundation E. He has had a wonderful start to the year by helping his peers and being a trustworthy friend. Ollie has shown initiative by engaging in a range of classroom jobs and has been an excellent teacher assistant! Well done, Ollie!


Bonnie Dieter-Eves

Love of Learning

Bonnie is to be congratulated for such a fantastic start to her learning in Foundation. She tries her hardest when completing her work and is always keen to share her knowledge and listen to everyone’s ideas. Well done, Bonnie!


Winnie Emmins


Winnie was able to use strategies to regulate her emotions and has been a regular contributor to Circle Time discussions. She listens carefully to her teacher and classmates and has been a great role model to others. Keep up the wonderful Winnie!


Emile Nadal

A love of learning

Emile has made an outstanding start to his learning in Year One. He approaches all tasks with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Emile is a wonderful role model to his peers and always works to the best of his ability. Keep up the wonderful work, Emile! 


Bonnie Dillistone


Bonnie has demonstrated wonderful helping skills this week. She is always the first to offer assistance to her classmates. We are so lucky to have such a kind and caring student in 1S! Well done Bonnie! 



Sophie Woods


Congratulations Sophie on settling in so well to Black Rock Primary School. You are confident, kind and thoughtful. We love hearing your stories and opinions. 2C and BRPS are so lucky to have you :) 


Winnie Roach


Winnie was an amazing friend and class member last week. She looked after her friends and made them feel safe and happy to be at school. Winnie also helped her teachers and the school by doing different jobs for them. Thank you, Winnie!


Alessandra Burgio


Alessandra has displayed bravery in the confident and positive manner she has settled into school and class routines at Black Rock P.S. She is making friends and is working cooperatively with her peers and teachers.  Keep up the fantastic work, Alessandra! 


Daisy Tucker

A Love of Learning

What a delight it is to have Daisy in 3T. She always listens carefully to teacher instruction and works independently on her tasks. Daisy is responsible during partner work and is always seeking to gain a clear understanding of a concept or topic. Keep it up Daisy!


Jett Whitmore


During our swimming trails , Jett showcased remarkable bravery, fearlessly diving into the water wit h determination. His relentless spirit and unwavering courage were excellent to see as he tackled the 25m Freestyle . Jett's enthusiasm and bravery set an example for everyone!

Well done Jett!


Lily Lewis

A Love of Learning

Lily is like a bright star in our classroom, always shining with positivity and excitement for discovering new things. She approaches each day with a big smile and a curious mind and her eagerness to learn is truly contagious.

Keep shining bright, Lily! 


Audrey Mauday

A Love of learning

Audrey has made a concerted effort in all subject areas to involve herself in class discussions. Her thoughts and reflections during our novel study sessions have enriched our understanding and inferences about our book, Number the Stars. It’s great to see her thinking deeply about what she reads and taking risks with expressing new ideas or questions!



Elsa Harvey


Congratulations Elsa on settling in seamlessly at Black Rock Primary School. She is a wonderful role model to her peers by always demonstrating kindness, cooperation and a positive attitude. Elsa is a highly motivated learner who engages in all activities with enthusiasm and focus.


Tristan Farquharson


During our Coding lesson last week, Tristan was able to confidently develop sequential algorithms. After finishing his own work, he then coached a classmate through the course, kindly and carefully explaining how to complete the tasks.

Well done Tristan, keep up the fantastic work!

Term One, Week Three


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Daisy Goldsmith

Love of Learning 

Daisy has shown wonderful dedication to her schoolwork already this year. She works hard in class and puts 100% into her creations. Her self-portrait was particularly impressive, and we can’t wait to display it in the classroom. Keep up your amazing enthusiasm Daisy, we love it!  




Congratulations to Auguste for showing perseverance in Foundation E. He has proven to be an excellent listener and follows instructions in class. Auguste displays a ‘can do’ attitude by continuing to complete learning tasks, even if it is a challenge. Well done, Auguste!


Jack Carey

A love of learning

Jack has demonstrated enthusiasm for learning activities and is a regular contributor to class discussions. He has made some great connections with his learning and has displayed a positive attitude. Keep up the wonderful work Jack!


Olivia Stoodley

A love of Learning

Olivia has made a wonderful start at Black Rock Primary School.  She has settled into all our classroom routines with ease and has made some wonderful connections with peers in the class.   Olivia always demonstrates kindness and a positive attitude which is so lovely to have in our class.  Well done, Olivia.


Leon Vinarsky

A Love of Learning

Leon is receiving the Student of the Week award as he has been showing an exemplary effort in class. He was very excited to be showing off his maths skills this week as we worked on our ‘Friends of Ten’. Leon has been a great role model, always listening and showing respect to all his classmates. Thank you for being such a positive member of 1S Leon! 


Sage Whitmore 

Love of Learning

Sage has been an absolute superstar with his approach to learning this year! He is always ready on the floor and when he goes back to complete his work, with the tools he needs. Sage is a fantastic listener and can be relied upon in all our class discussions. Keep it up Sage!



Isla Baker


Isla has shown incredible initiative, kindness and digital skill by helping her peers when students were logging onto their laptops for the first time in Grade 2. Isla’s leadership qualities shone as she assisted others with compassion and respect. Well done, Isla! 


Eva Riscalla

Love of Learning

Eva is to be congratulated for the focused and committed manner she applied herself this week during our persuasive writing sessions. She planned her argument and wrote excellent reasons and supporting details to convince people why dogs make the best pets. Congratulations Eva, keep up the superb effort! 


Chloe Van Der Haar


Chloe has been working extremely hard in our writing sessions this week. Her concentration and dedication to her pencil grip and ensuring her letters are formed neatly on the lines has been admirable. Well done and keep up the hard work Chloe!


Zoe Barglowski


Zoe is starting to grow into a c onfident participant in class discussions in which she is showing her willingness to shar e her thoughts an d ideas . Her newfound confidence is also shown in the way she actively collaborates with classmates, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere within our class. Well done Zoe!!


James Doyle

A Love of Learning

James has the most incredibly positive attitude to learning which is utterly infectious. His big smile and exclamations of how much he enjoys his learning uplifts everyone around him. Thank you for your enthusiasm, James. You are an absolute delight to have in our classroom.


Cora Stuart


Cora is always putting others before herself and never seeking recognition for her hard work and achievements. Her humility shines through in her actions, as she consistently demonstrates a willingness to listen, learn, and support her peers. Cora’s quiet strength, hard work, and selflessness make her a true role model for her peers. Well done Cora.


Alex Brantner


Alex has had a great week in Year 5 this week. It has been wonderful to see some positivity from him in the classroom and out in the yard. Alex has been a fantastic friend to new students in our class and his friendliness is much appreciated. Keep up the great work Alex! 


Jules King


Jules displays the important qualities of integrity, perserverance and kindness. He is a fantastic role model to his peers. Jules always strives to work to the very best of his ability.


Mila Muscat


Mila has been an enthusiastic participant during our Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence Reading unit. She has been actively involved in class and group discussions and demonstrates a great willingness to learn about Australia’s Indigenous history.

Keep up the great work Mila!


Max Taylor


Max has had a brilliant start to life in Year Six, he has taken his role as School Captain in his stride and is so far demonstrating all of the qualities that a great leader has. Well done on your first few weeks as School Captain, Max. I am looking forward to seeing you achieve great things this year!


Jack Nuttall


Congratulations to Jack in 6M for his exceptional engagement in both the classroom and during our first round of Interschool Sport. Jack has been a supportive team member and a responsible leader, motivating his peers to do their best. Well done, Jack!

Term One, Week Four


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Lyla Anderson


Congratulations to Lyla for displaying Kindness in Foundation E. With her innate ability to foster a sense of belonging and understanding, Lyla enriches our classroom environment, making it a space where everyone feels valued and supported. Lyla has continuously shown loyalty to her friends and has become a trustworthy peer in the classroom. Well done, Lyla!


Brooks Baker

Love of Learning

Brooks should be so proud of the amazing start he has had to Foundation. He makes a huge effort to learn, producing wonderful work. Brooks enjoys being part of the class discussions and often shares some interesting facts. He is a wonderful friend to his classmates. Well done, Brooks!


Leo Boyd


Leo has been demonstrating wonderful work habits and always applies himself to learning tasks. He has shown perseverance when reading and it’s been lovely to see how proud he is of his achievements. Keep up the great work Leo!


Alice Bourke

Love of Learning

Alice has demonstrated her love of learning all term.  She arrives every day with a smile on her face and is always eager to learn new concepts. Alice always tries her best in any task she takes on and is a wonderful helper in the classroom always willing to lend a hand to her peers.  Keep up the fabulous work, Alice!


Anthony Kuric


Congratulations to Anthony for demonstrating remarkable kindness this week. When a classmate was needing some support, he took proactive steps to ensure the classmate felt at ease and helped them find joy through laughter. Well done Anthony!



Chloe Beattie


Chloe is a kind, caring and thoughtful member of 2C. She consistently demonstrates exceptional kindness by actively assisting her classmates and looking out for others within our school community. Chloe’s willingness to lend a helping hand and her caring nature helps contribute to the positive learning environment we have in 2C. THANK YOU, Chloe


Arlen Erikson


Arlen is generous with his time and is always willing to assist others. He is a kind and caring class member, who looks out for his peers and is ready to lend a hand when they are hurt or when teachers need help. Congratulations Arlen, your help is greatly appreciated!



Olivia Flanagan

A Love of Learning

Olivia is to be commended for demonstrating determination, and a passion for making new discoveries in the classroom. This week, she has worked particularly hard in recognising and representing her fractions in her workbook and on StudyLadder, whilst using ICT appropriately. Her concentration has led to outstanding work. Well done, Olivia


Ewan Toner

A Love of Learning


Ewan has been working extremely hard in our writing sessions this week. He wrote a wonderful persuasive piece titled ‘Dogs Make the Best Pets’. His compelling arguments, clear reasoning, and passion for his subject matter impressed us all. Congratulations on a job well done Ewan!


Jyoti Thomson


Following a brief absence at the start of the week due to illness, Jyoti exemplified commendable responsibility upon her return to the classroom. She proactively sought assistance to ensure she caught up on any missed material, demonstrating maturity in her approach to learning. Well done Jyoti for your constant hard work!


Annika Dahlstrom


Annika is so kind and considerate, always thinking of others. She helps with organisation and lends her spare hat when a classmate has forgotten theirs without a moment’s hesitation. Thank you, Annika, for always looking after your classmates.


Ivy Bull


Ivy has shown much creativity and artistic expression this year, and more recently when crafting a stunning paper art landscape piece inspired by the Indigenous Australian scenery. She has a wonderful imagination and an innovative approach to art and has shone brightly through this project. Well done, Ivy.


Abigail Cole


Abigail had shown great perseverance when learning a new skill in her interschool sport this term, Tennis! Despite not knowing the sport well beforehand, she has been giving it her best go and has greatly improved. It is great to see her showing fantastic sportsmanship and playing with a smile! Keep up the awesome work Abigail!


Byron Bridge

Love of Learning

Byron has been displaying incredible work habits and enthusiasm in the classroom and Art room. He is applying himself during all learning tasks and is working without distraction from his peers. It has been so wonderful to see him working hard and demonstrating initiative and kindness to others too. Keep up the awesome work Byron!


Abby Marshall


During interschool sports last week, Abby participated with skill and enthusiasm. She also displayed graciousness by delivering a short post-game speech offering congratulations to the opposing team for their performance. Well done Abby, your leadership set a great example for your team mates!


James Rietman

Love of Learning

James has been a brilliant addition to 6L so far this year. He takes great pride in his work and demonstrates terrific dedication to all work tasks. He has also started the year excellently in his leadership role as the STEM Captain. Keep up the great work James, it’s a great year ahead for you!


Charlotte Ray


Congratulations to Charlotte in 6M, for demonstrating the BRPS value of kindness this week. She has had an incredible start to 2024, showing random acts of kindness, patience and offering friendship to both her peers and her Foundation buddy. Keep up the amazing work!