Principal Team Message

Welcome to 2024!

Hello BRPS Community,


It has been a wonderfully settled start to the year with students engaging in learning across the curriculum, as well as the extra-curricular activities that enhance community and add richness to school life.  

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

We know there is a strong evidence-base that demonstrates when parents are enaged and interested in their child's school life, and schools and parents work in partnership there is a positive correlation with improved outcomes for individual students.  I have enjoyed the positive reports that came out of the P/T conferences on Thursday. Thank you to all of the teachers, parents, carers and Year 4/5/6 students who came together under trying conditions to meet face-to-face and discuss each student’s engagement, goals and progress at school. Building those connections is really important as we support all students to experience success as members of the BRPS learning community.


Attendance - Every Day Counts!

In the Victorian education system, it is compulsory for all students to attend school each day of the school year. At times an absence may be unavoidable, however, every effort must be made to ensure students attend school on time each day

Evidence tells us that students who regularly miss days of school are at risk of missing out on learning the basic building blocks in subjects, and may experience long term difficulties with their learning. Regular school attendance provides children with consistent routines and helps them to develop social skills, such as friendship building, teamwork, communications skills and develops healthy self-esteem. 

Our school has had lower than expected attendance rates in recent years and we would like to work with our school community to ensure that we maximise attendance to support consistency of learning and wellbeing on a daily basis.

Please try to ensure that any appointments and holidays are made outside of school hours. To maximise learning opportunities we need all students here all day

If this presents a problem for you and your child please make time to talk to the school and we can discuss strategies for support. 


When your child is absent, please indicate this on Compass by 9.00am so your child’s teacher is informed. 

2024 Student-Free Days

Each year government schools are provided with four student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting purposes. The first day of Term 1 is a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students. The remaining three student-free days are determined by each individual school.

Teachers are also granted one Professional Practice Day (PPD) per year from 2024 onwards. Schools have the option of scheduling the PPD as a common, student-free day which we are electing to do this year. School Council has confirmed the following student-free days for the remainder of 2024: 

  • Mon 29 Jan - Curric 1 (Statewide) 
  • Fri 8 Mar - Curric 2 (Curriculum Focus - Writing) 
  • Fri 31 May - Curric 3 (Report Writing) 
  • Mon 11 Nov - PPD (common - student free) 
  • Fri 20 Dec - Curric 4 (End Year Handover and Preparation) 

Facilities Projects Update

Stadium Toilets/Changerooms/Sports Storage

Anyone who has been on or past the oval in recent times will see that this project has moved along very quickly, with the main structure now in place, the roof is on and the builders are close to lock-up stage. The outward appearance of progress may appear to slow down soon as the focus turns to the the internal fit out of the different areas. 

A modification to the original plan will be the total replacement of the concrete pad/ramp outside the roller door. A new stepped concrete slab will be installed and, although not part of the scope of the current project, will allow for reshaping along the west side of the stadium to accommodate a future access ramp to the oval and connection to existing paths. 

Updated Stadium Toilet Design - Bird's-Eye View
Updated Stadium Toilet Design - Bird's-Eye View

The expected completion date remains as June and the facility is shaping up to be a striking and functional presence in that area of the school. 


Sports Court Resurfacing

The sports court resurfacing project that the school community has focused recent fundraising efforts on has now been conditionally endorsed by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA). Some additional items need to be clarified and re-quoted. We hope to finalise the process soon and set a September holiday date for installation.  

Parent Payments and Voluntary Contributions

The Compass Portal remains live for families to log in and complete all school payments.

The BRPS School Council, staff and school community have high expectations of all     curriculum programs, resources and facilities that the school provides. Much of the operational costs including the provision of computers (including laptops), high-quality school resources, extra sports equipment, library/ICT support and equipment, quality art and science supplies and maintenance, along with the provision of new curriculum initiatives are supported solely from local fundraising, including parent payments. 

Parent voluntary contributions are a vital aspect of maintaining these high standards and we thank our parent community for their generous support in this area to benefit all students across the school.

Pedestrian, Bike, Scooter Safety

In recent assemblies we have spoken to students about travelling to school safely and reminding them about safe behaviours on their way to and when arriving at school. We always encourage students to cross at supervised crossings where possible. We also ask students to dismount and walk bikes and scooters  through the school yard. 


BRPS Bike and Scooter Policy

In line with department guidelines and Vic Roads’ advice, it is school policy that students in Foundation to Year 4 ride to school in the company of an adult as it is well recognised that young children have underdeveloped motor skills, peripheral vision and judgment. Students in Years 5 and 6 students may ride to school without adult supervision. Duty of care for students remains with parents/carers between home and the school gate. Bicycles/scooters also remain the responsibility of parents/carers and must be roadworthy. Students must wear a properly fitted helmet and are encouraged to wear a safety vest when riding a bicycle or scooter.


Staff Carparks 

Staff car parks are always out of bounds for both children and parents/carers. NEVER enter staff carparks, either in a vehicle or by foot/bike/scooter.

Welcome Picnic & Running Colour 

The Welcome Picnic and Running Colour is our first whole-school community and a major fundraising event of the year. For those members of the community that are familiar with the event it might look slightly different this year. We have teamed up with My Schools Fun Run.  We will be raising much needed funds in the lead up to our event to continue to upgrade our school grounds and play spaces with a focus on accessibility for all members of the BRPS Community. The next project we will work towards is upgrading and modernising our playgrounds and sporting facilities to make BRPS the best school it can be, so we’re asking all families to pitch in!


We are super excited to announce that we will be holding our event on March 22nd at on the school oval! Please keep a look out for information being sent home via your child/ren and Compass with more de. 

House Swimming Carnival

Good luck to all of the Year 4-6 students who are competing for their houses at the BRPS House Swimming Carnival tomorrow. It is our first big event of the year held offsite and I know all of the students competing will be brilliant ambassadors for our school in the public eye, as well as showing tremendous sportsmanship and team spirit as they compete and cheer on their Houses! Thank you to PE teacher Rowan Doyle for organising the carnival, as well as the teachers and volunteer parents who are helping to ensure a successful event.

Assistant Principal Emily Harvey and I are very disappointed to be missing the carnival due to our attendance at the Bayside Schools Principal Conference over the next two days, however we look forward to hearing about the wonderful day that everyone has in the reports at assembly on Monday morning. 

2025 Foundation Enrolments

Our 2025 Foundation Information night will be held in the second week of Term 2, on Tuesday 23rd April. School tours and classroom open mornings are scheduled in the weeks after that. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for information about these events and the enrolment process. Sibling enrolments for Foundation 2025 will open on Monday 15th April. 



We ask all families to please ensure that you have up to date contact details recorded on our school system. Hard copies of details currently held by the school were sent home in individually named envelopes today.   

We ask that all families check that the recorded details are full and correct. Please complete any updates on the hardcopy form and return to your child's teacher. If the current details are accurate please initial and date the page and send back to school at your earliest convenience. 



Sam Tyndall



Emily Harvey