Engagement & Wellbeing


A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobiles phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away during school hours. This includes smart watches with mobile phone connectivity. 


The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year.


The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state.


This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions.


By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at recess and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause.


I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school.


Further information


Exceptions: For a small number of students with particular health needs, an exception to the policy may be granted. Please contact Narelle Sullivan if you would like to discuss this.


Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required.


School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available here: https://buninyongps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Mobile-Phones-Policy.pdf


Parent support: The Mobile phones in schools webpage provides links to resources for families to help them balance their children’s time using mobile phones.


If you have further questions, please contact the administration office.

Mobile phones owned by students at Buninyong Primary School are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk.  Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

Christmas Dress Up Day on the Last Day of Term

A reminder that on the last day of term, students are encouraged to dress up in a Christmas related theme! This is always a fun day and a nice way to finish the term as we head off on the holiday break. Grade 6 students on this day usually wear their uniform in order to get it signed by their classmates. 

Grade 6 Graduation

Next Tuesday, our Grade 6 students undertake their graduation as part of their final days of primary school with us. The event will be a great way for the kids to celebrate their final year with their peers and teachers with some finger food and a disco to follow.


 We would like to wish the year 6s well as they head off to secondary school next year. We know they are ready and will make the most of all the opportunities that are presented to them. 


Please note: Only students departing the school and graduating are allowed to have their school shirts signed on the final day.


 We know many families will take the opportunity over the holiday break to audit and top up uniform supplies in preparation for 2024. 


Our strong focus on encouraging students to maintain high standards around the wearing of correct uniform will continue next year. 


Can we please ask for your assistance in ensuring that all uniform items purchased comply with our school uniform guidelines, which can found on our website


Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.

A Reminder About Lollies as Choking Hazards

Around this time each year, we see an increase of Christmas cards and lollies (mostly candy canes, but not limited to these) coming to school and being shared as a gift for Christmas. Whilst we are not discouraging the kids from showing this kindness to their peers, these lollies can pose a choking hazard if not consumed appropriately and may also contain ingredients that may cause an anaphylactic reaction in some children. 


As such, we ask that all families take the time to talk to their children about saving any lollies that they receive until they get home. Our staff will also be reminding students of this. 


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Bunjil Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a 5/6 Bunjil Award at last week’s assembly.


Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.


Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoy a hot chocolate or Zooper Dooper with a principal.