Student Awards

Students of the Week

Alishka M, 1A - for displaying responsibility, excellent organisational skills and always putting 100% effort into all she does. What a superstar!


Parker M, 4C, for his conscientious attitude to all of his learning this week. Keep up the great work. 


HERRRby Awards

Lleyton M, PA - for demonstrating responsibility, amazing organisational skills and for trying your best. WOW! What an awesome start to Prep!


Milla G, 4A - for always being a kind, friendly and welcoming member of 4A. We love having your cheerful attitude in the classroom!


Green HERRRby  Award 

Georgie C, 2A - for being proactive in keeping both our classroom and school yard clean. Great work!



Stella P, PA - for showing great enthusiasm to learn and practise forming letters at the correct starting point. What a superstar!


 Lucinda P, PB -  for being a super star   in whole class reading and sharing excellent understanding of interesting words. 


Toby W, PB - for listening attentively and forming the letter ‘a’ at the correct starting point. What an amazing start to school! Keep it up!


Zali B, PC - for an incredible start to school! You are always trying your best and showing kindness to all. Keep it up Zali!


Alyssa H, PD - for having a tremendous start to your first year at school. You are genuinely a delight to have in Prep D. 


Clementine L, 1A - for her wonderful start at Gardenvale Primary. We are so pleased to welcome you into Grozzy’s Gang.


Elliot T, 1B - for making a great start to the year by taking responsibility for his learning by always completing set tasks! Keep up the great work, Elliot!


Harry G, 1C - for showing a genuine willingness to do your best in class. You should be most proud of the bright start you have made to life in Grade 1C. 


Zac V, 1D - for demonstrating his responsibility to be an active listener in class and his respect for others by consistently showing he is ready to listen when asked 5,4,3,2,1.  Keep up the amazing job Zac!


Ayda B, 2A - for an amazing start to Year 2. You are making a huge effort in all areas of your schooling career, keep it up!


Emilia Z, 2B - for making a fabulous start to life at Gardenvale Primary School.


Harvey H, 2C - for your excellent start to the new school year. You have shown great listening skills and have such a wonderful attitude. Keep it up!


Yahli M, 2D - for his sensitivity, kindness and empathy shown when his friend was upset.


Toby J, 3A - for being a fabulous member of 3A. You are a joy to have in our class! 


Ava P, 3B - for being such a wonderful helper and friend to everyone. You are a true HERRRby kid!


Spencer F, 3C - for applying himself fully as a learner and producing some fantastic work. You should feel proud of your efforts Spencer!


Heidi E, 4B - for being an excellent listener and contributing her knowledge to class discussions.


Zac G, 5A -  for being a happy, helpful member of 5A who is always prepared to give 100%


Tom C, 5B - for being helpful, polite and very kind and caring towards others.


Mia P, 5C - for displaying the most positive outlook towards her peers and her education.


Dylan B, 5D- for the terrific descriptive language in his recount writing!


Kiki Z, 6A  - for quietly and respectfully completing every task to a high standard. You are a star!


Leo T, 6B - for locking in and showing excellent focus and effort. What a ripper start to Year 6.


Toby C, 6C - for being a kind and respectful student. Your help in the classroom is much appreciated by myself and your peers.


Aiden L, 6D - for the excellent quality of all his work and the positivity and empathy he brings to our classroom.


Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Emilie C, 1C - for being a keen participant and a great contributor during the Japanese lesson.

すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Finn T, 2B - for working hard and showing HERRRby value during the Japanese lesson.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"