Well done to all Aboriginal students who have completed the schooling year and to our Senior students who have completed Year 12. It has been a challenging year for some of you, but you have all persevered and made it to the end. Wishing you all the very best for your future endeavours and dreams.

A big congratulations goes to the Year 12 students; Atticus Ingram, Tristan Birch, Campbell Lyons, Corinya Lyons, Jakeem Morgan, Memphis Singh, Brayden Stewart and Jahrel Tereva.

The Aboriginal Learning  and Engagement Centre  (AL&EC) staff have worked with all Aboriginal students across the school year. We guide and support students with academic, cultural, social and wellbeing needs.

We welcome all students into the AL&EC and are happy to support and advocate where needed.


On behalf of the AL&EC staff I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our wonderful students and the many supportive parents and all we have worked with for a fantastic 2023 school year.  


Some of the highlights and memories of the year have been captured in the photos.

Thanks to all the wonderful students for a fantastic 2023 year.


Monica Lyons, Belinda Williams and Janaya Lyons-Smith

ALEC staff