Principals message

Welcome to 2024. Especially welcome to all Year 7 and new students. A warm welcome to Narrandera High School. I am looking forward to a great 2024 and seeing all the amazing activities and experiences the students at Narrandera High School have the opportunity to be a part of.
Welcome to our new staff:
- Mr Radesh Sewnarain (Mathematics and Science)
- Mrs Toni Moore (MC Classes)
- Mr Scott Watterson (Music)
- Ms Lauren Taylor (English - Wednesday to Friday)
- Ms Christine Collins (English – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Mr Tom Dore (PE – Monday to Wednesday)
Students look amazing in the new school uniform, and I am thankful to students and families for how enthusiastically they have embraced this change. Some items in the uniform have sold out and have been reordered. There will be a post on the school Facebook page when these items are back in stock.
The uniform shop opening hours are:
- Tuesday 8:30am to 10:00am
- Thursday 8:30am to 10:00am
Some reminders about uniform:
- Students are to wear their black leather shoes and change into their sports shoes for PE.
- Shorts are black with no obvious logos. Football shorts, leggings and, bike shorts are not uniform.
- Shorts and skorts are to be an appropriate length for school.
- Hoodies are not to be worn including under shirts or other jumpers.
Any families who are experiencing financial difficulties can apply for student assistance by seeing a member of the wellbeing team (Year Advisors, Aboriginal Education Officers, Student Support Officer, Head Teacher Wellbeing) which can be used to purchase school uniforms.
I have included a list of the school Executive, Year Advisors and Wellbeing staff. These staff can be contacted for subject and wellbeing concerns. The classroom teacher should be the first point of contact questions and queries which relate to a specific subject.
School Executive can be contacted if you have a question or concern about a subject specific matter.
Position | Staff Member |
Principal | Ms Tania Maddison |
Deputy Principal | Mrs Helen Langley |
Head Teacher English | Mrs Kirsty Quilter (Mon to Wed) Mrs Rebecca Rowlings (Thu and Fri) |
Head Teacher Mathematics | Mr Dave Kroek |
Head Teacher Science | Mrs Samantha Irons |
Head Teacher HSIE/Creative Arts | Ms Erin Golding |
Head Teacher PE/TAS | Mr Mark Chappell |
Head Teacher Administration | Mrs Rochelle McDonald |
Head Teacher Wellbeing | Mrs Brooke Lucas |
Head Teacher Learning and Intervention | Mrs Priscilla O’Mahoney |
Head Teacher Aboriginal Learning and Engagement Centre | Mrs Monica Lyons (Thu and Fri) |
Year Advisors can be contacted if you have wellbeing concerns about your child and are generally the first point of call for parents in relation to any issues or problems at school.
Year 7 | Mrs Cathie Webber |
Year 8 | Ms Katherine Crompton |
Year 9 | Mr Byron Horrell |
Year 10 | Mrs Michelle Donaldson |
Year 11 | Mrs Emma Sergeant |
Year 12 | Mrs Liz Mclay |
The Wellbeing Team are here to support students and their families in all areas of school life (social, emotional, and educational). The Wellbeing Team comprises of the Head Teacher Wellbeing, the Year Advisors, the Deputy Principal and those listed below.
Aboriginal Education Officers | Mrs Joy O’Hara Mr Braden Lyons |
Student Support Officer | Mrs Jacqui Hammond |
School Counsellors | Tracey and Sophie |
Learning and Support Teacher | Mr Jamie Gawne |
The Narrandera High School community has said goodbye to Mr Glen Borg who has been working at the school for some time as an Aboriginal Education Officer. We thank Glen for all that he has done to support the students at Narrandera High School and wish him well in his future endeavours. Glen will be replaced by Braden Lyons.
Congratulations to:
- Camilo Gonzalez Monardes for his outstanding HSC results. Camilo achieved an ATAR which places him in the top 8% of the state.
- Eliza Fraser who was named the Narrandera Shire Council Young Citizen of the Year
- Samantha Kerr who was named the Narrandera Shire Council Junior Sportsperson of the Year.
- Mrs Heather Ostler (SLSO at NHS) who was named the Narrandera Shire Council Sportsperson of the Year.
Tania Maddison