Malgobila News -           

Years 10,11 & 12


phone: 5150 4823

Year 12 jumper photoTuesday 13th February 
Swimming CarnivalThursday 15th February
Year 12 Pathway meetings beginMonday 19th February
Ace your exams - Year 12 - session 5Monday 26th February
School PhotosFriday 1st March
School Photo Catch upTuesday 5th March

 Our Team


Top to Bottom (L-R)

Assistant Principal

Leading Teacher – Hub/VCE

Leading Teacher – Hub/VCE-VM

Year Level Coordinator – Year 10

Year Level Coordinator – Year 11

Year Level Coordinator – Year 12

VASS Officer/Transition Officer

Parent Liaison Officer 

Hub Support Assistant

Careers Officer – Work Placement Programs

VCE VM Assistant

Jacqui Telford

Justin Garry

Emily Davie 

Marita Fry

Jade Van Hooydonk

Erin McLeod

Yvonne Rooney

Elise Clemm

Marinda Kellow

Angela Wren

Vicky Halford

Welcome to Term 1 2024



On Tuesday 30th January the Year 11 and 12 students returned.  An informative assembly regarding all things VCE was held at Forge Theatre.   Also discussed was VCAA Study design, Delivery and Assessment policy, School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeships,  VET Studies and Careers information.



The policy covers everything from attendance requirements, redemption of SACs and CATs, exams, subject changes and expectations of students and staff. If you are the parent of a VCE or VCE VM student please take the time to read the policies which can be found by clicking on the link below.




Year 10 Assembly 


Year 10 assembly was held on the first day back at the Malgobila LRC discussing the year ahead and setting expectations for students..  This is the start of the senior years for the year 10 students. Welcome to the Malgobila hub.  


Masonic Lodge Presentation 

On Wednesday 7th February representatives Bob Hill, Charles DeRochford and John Goodman from the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge attended the Bairnsdale Secondary College to present 2023 year 12 graduating students Chloe and Owen  with scholarships to assist with their tertiary journey.


Freemasons Foundation Victoria together with the Masonic Lodges across Victoria have provided more than $500,000 in scholarships and awards to students throughout 2022/23.


This year the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge extended two scholarships valued at $3000 each to Bairnsdale Secondary College students.  Recipients of the award must demonstrate a commitment to their studies and show that they are continuing with their education in their field of choice. Chloe will be undertaking a Bachelor of Law with Honors at Monash University and Owen will be heading to Monash University to study Nursing and Paramedicine. 


A huge thank you to the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge for their continued support of the students at Bairnsdale Secondary College and helping them achieve their dreams.


Year 12 jumpers


Our year 12 students are looking fantastic in their new jumpers.  Next week we will take our traditional 'jumper' photo.


Year 7 Camp - The summit

Six year 10 students had a fantastic time helping with the year 7 students at The Summit this week.  We look forward to hearing all about their adventures when they return.



Students at work !


VCE VM -Swimming sports project 


VM Students will be holding a food/drink stall at  the upcoming BSC Swimming Carnival. The stall will be selling drinks, BBQ Sausages/burgers, fairy bread, Anzac biscuits, rum balls and Zooper Doopers.  There will also be same fun games to join into.   Cash or eftpos is available.




VCE Food studies making yummy zucchini kofta.

Jovi and Zac
Arie and Talia
Emily and Kerry
Jovi and Zac
Arie and Talia
Emily and Kerry


Year 10 Competitive Sport - enjoying a game of volleyball




Year 10 Dark room and Digital photography - capturing different designs outside.



Year 10 Metal design and VCE systems Engineering - planning for future designs.


Year 11 VM students helping tidy up veggie garden.


Year 11 Biology


In Year 11 Biology this week we've looked at plasma membranes of cells. The students had great fun making plasticine models to show their understanding.


Arthur Grassby Scholarship -Kokoda 

The Arthur Grassby Scholarships (AGS) of $6,300 are being made available to year 11students across the East Gippsland Shire. The scholarships provide our younger generation with an insight into the Gippsland connection of the Kokoda Trail and the sacrifices made by men from this area so they can enjoy the lives they live today. The award is an opportunity to join a Kokoda trek with ‘Adventure Kokoda’ in the July school holidays (July 3-13). 




• Application forms are available at the senior hub desk. 

• Applications close March 8th, 2024. 

• 2023 BSC Trekkers will speak to students about their experience. 

• There will be an interview process with a panel of 3 current or ex-service personnel. 

• You must be available on the allocated interview day. 


Please click on the button below for more information and how to apply.



Uniform and second hand book donation

We love donations of second hand uniform and second hand books, if you have any please deliver to our administration office on McKean Street. Thank you.



Regional Science Exchange Program 2024 


Talented Year 10 students from across regional Victoria with a passion for science are invited to attend John Monash Science School (JMSS) in Melbourne for a three­ week block as part of our 2024 Regional Science Exchange Program (RSEx) . 


Please click on the attachment below for more information.