Wurrin News - Years 8

email:   wurrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Swimming CarnivalFebruary 15th
'Lets talk body imagine online' PresentationFebruary 20th
School PhotosMarch 1st
School Photo Catch upMarch 5th

Welcome back to school! 


We hope that you had a fantastic summer break filled with exciting adventures and plenty of relaxation. As you return to school, we’re thrilled to embark on a new academic year together. 


Get ready for engaging lessons, new challenges and opportunities for personal growth. This year holds the promise of new friendships, exciting discoveries, and academic achievements. Embrace the learning journey ahead, ask questions, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us when needed. We’re here to guide and support you every step of the way.


Welcome to the year 8 team for 2024:



Students are settling in well and are straight back into the swing of things. The hard work and readiness is great to see and we applaud those students who are consistently on time and prepared to learn!


Students at work!


In science this week, the year 8 students have been learning about elements and the periodic table.


Wylie and Chad trying to create a large electrical circuit with the most light bulbs.
Kade testing if aluminium conducts electricity.
Wylie and Chad trying to create a large electrical circuit with the most light bulbs.
Kade testing if aluminium conducts electricity.


Uniform and second hand book donation

We love donations of second hand uniform, if you have any please deliver to our administration office on McKean Street. Thank you.