Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818


Swimming CarnivalFebruary 15th
'Lets talk body imagine online' PresentationFebruary 20th
School PhotosMarch 1st
School Photo Catch upMarch 5th





2024 has got off to a terrific start with our our year 7 students commencing their secondary schooling journey. With just over a week into the new year, they have settled in enormously well and we are excited for the year ahead. 

They have attended an assembly to welcome them to our College and ensure that they understand our College expectations around learning and behaviour, as well as the process for the school.

They year 7 hub staff have been busy meeting as many of the cohort that we possibly can to ensure that every student has a familiar face to support them in the transition to a new school. Classes have been busy establishing relationship and routines, with all classes being issued computers and having the opportunity to head into the library. 



We have a busy term ahead with a range of extra curriculum activities ahead including camp for some of the cohort, our swimming carnival as well as NAPLAN commencing in week 7. 

Year 7 Camp


Half our cohort headed off to their 3 day camp this week at The Summit.


Students participated in a range of activities including the Summit window, swing bridge, laser tag and the mud run. Our camp is a great opportunity for students to get to know their classmates, push themselves outside their comfort zone and most importantly have some fun!