
The wellbeing and care of our students underpins every aspect of life at Bairnsdale Secondary College. The College encompasses a caring and supportive environment for all students, fostering the development of resilience, self-confidence, respect and perseverance through our College values and all interactions between staff and students.
The Student Wellbeing Team provides further support for students and the wider school community, advocating for students anand encouraging and promoting positive social, emotional and educational outcomes. We work in close collaboration with teachers, Hubs and families, in addition to liaising with external community support organisations.
Services/programs offered within the Wellbeing space include:
ONE-ON-ONE COUNSELLING (referral via the Hubs)
Foodbank Victoria, in partnership with the Victorian Government, delivers the School Breakfast Clubs Program in government schools across Victoria. Breakfast Club enables all students to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, allowing them to engage and participate fully in all the educational and social opportunities that school offers. It has been shown, through interviews with staff and an evaluation by Victoria University that students who participate in the School Breakfast Clubs Program are better able to concentrate, have improved social skills and are more punctual to school.
BREAKFAST is served from 8.00 am to 8.45 am
(Toast, cereal, Milo and tea)
LUNCH is served during Break 2 from 1.25 pm to 1.50 pm
(Soup, spaghetti, baked beans, lentil salad, tuna/rice salad, milk, fruit cups, Messy Monkeys wholegrain snacks and fresh fruit.
The program also stocks food items that can be provided to supplement student breakfasts both at home or at school, as well as staple home food packs to students in need. Any parents/carers wishing to access this service can reach out to Wellbeing.
Bairnsdale Secondary College is a partner in the Doctors in Secondary Schools Program (DISS). All students enrolled at the College are able to access a qualified doctor and nurse in a dedicated clinic on the school grounds. The doctor and practice nurse operate from Gippsland Lakes Complete Health and are available one day a week on Wednesdays. The main objectives of the Doctors in Secondary Schools program are to:
- make primary health care more accessible to students
- provide assistance to young people to identify and address any health problems early
- reduce the pressure on working parents/carers and community-based GPs
There is no cost involved for this service, parents/carers are welcome to attend appointments and student confidentiality is maintained at all times. The program is guided by equity of access and cultural safety for all students in our College community. To access this service and make an appointment, please contact the relevant Hub or contact Jayne in Wellbeing.
Based in the Yenella (Wellbeing Hub) School Nurse, Sophie Brown, works at the College two days per week helping to promote and raise awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle choices for all of our students. Sophie also engages with school leadership and teachers to run health- related programs within our College, as well as facilitating all of our immunisation programs and visiting dental health services. Advice and confidential appointments can be made with Sophie to discuss sleep issues, contraception, lumps and bumps, periods, alcohol/drugs, male health, LGBTQIA+, support with quitting smoking/vaping, mental health or sexual health. To arrange an appointment or have a chat, see your Hub or Jayne in Wellbeing.
AOD (Alcohol & Other Drugs) Youth Outreach through Gippsland Lakes Complete Health supports young people between the ages of 12-25, and here at the College, we are lucky to have an AOD worker onsite fortnightly to provide support for alcohol and/or drug use – including Vaping. The type of support offered includes counselling, assistance with withdrawal or reduction of alcohol and other drug use; support if you become involved in the legal system because of alcohol or drug use; information, education and other resources. For advice or to make a referral, speak to the Hubs or contact the Wellbeing team.
Specifically targeted to support our new Year 7 cohort, Wellbeing runs Hangout Groups twice a week catering to students who may be feeling a little nervous or overwhelmed in their new environment. The group provides games and activities to join in on, with the aim of helping these students find their feet, develop new friendships, and get to know some helpful staff at the College. Wellbeing are also well aware that even some students returning to BSC who might be feeling both apprehensive about coming back and invite any 2023 Year 7 students (Year 8 this year) to continue attending these groups.
WHEN: Every Tuesday and Friday during Break 2
WHERE: W7 (in Year 7 Hub)
WITH: Sophie - School Nurse: Wellbeing Support Worker, Kristen, and Elvis, the School Therapy Dog
For any students at the College who may be feeling a little overcome and unsure of where to go during Break times, the Wellbeing space is also open to all. We have a number of quiet activities, puzzles and games, and throughout the week, show informative programs on the television. Students who are unsure of where to find Wellbeing can speak to their HUBS and a staff member will guide them to the space. The Library also run activities during Break 2 each day from 1.30pm. All students and staff are welcome to attend, whether they choose to participate OR they can just hang out in the library space. However, it's worth noting that students will actually earn points for their house by participating in club activities!
If any parents or guardians are concerned about their child or a child in their care starting or returning to school, please let us know. Wellbeing is always here to help.
Delivered by Workways Australia in conjunction with BSC, the GEM program allows students to connect with adult members of the community who may share similar interests or hobbies. The mentors provide support and conversation, whilst enjoying activities together off school grounds. The aim of the GEM program is to:
- Increase self-esteem and confidence
- Improve relationships with peers and family
- Reduce feelings of isolation and support a sense of belonging
- Promote connection within local communities
- Improve school retention and attendance.
For more information or to refer a student to the program contact Jayne in Wellbeing.
For anyone wishing to become a mentor, contact the GEM Mentoring Program, phone 1800 631 196 or email gemprogram@workways.com.au
Click on the link below to register for free parent Information webinars:
Webinars for parents and carers | eSafety Commissioner
Resources - Safer Internet Day
Dear Parents and Carers
Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects smoking and vaping.
Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.
The Department of Education and Training has developed resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping, and some suggestions about how to talk to children and young people about vaping, and where to get support.
To access the resources, go to https://www.vic.gov.au/smoking-and-vaping-advice-parents
You can also view this video on smoking and vaping from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and access the links and Information from RCH for health advice and tips for starting a conversation with young people.
Please have a look at the following links for more information:
E-liquids for use in e-cigarettes - Better Health Channel