Sport @ BSC

The College Swimming Carnival will be held on Thursday 15th February at the Bairnsdale Outdoor Pool for sessions 2 to 5. This is a whole school event with something for everyone to do throughout the day. As well as the swimming races, the Vocational Major students will be hosting a variety of novelty events and a barbeque on the grassed area.
Session 1 will be classes as scheduled at the College.
All College staff will be at the pool, there will be no additional programs or student supervision available at the College for sessions 2 to 5. At 10.00 am all students and staff will walk to the Bairnsdale Outdoor Pool. At the conclusion of the carnival, students will be dismissed from the pool, bus travellers and students requiring pick up from the College will walk back to the College with the staff and meet their bus or pickups at the regular time.
All student permissions are to be completed on Compass. Student attendance rolls will be marked.
The pool canteen will be open and available to students, this and the VM barbeque are user pays. The day is casual clothes, please dress with respect and weather appropriate. We encourage students to dress up in house colours and fancy dress. No face paint or hair spray is permitted!
Please bring:
- Bathers and Towel/s
- Lunch, snacks and/or money
- Water bottle
- Sun safety – sunhat (preferably wide brimmed), sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeve top.
Students will participate in College House meetings on Tuesday 13th February at 1.15 pm where they will be provided with more details.
Please check the Compass event for more details on the Compass App.