Principal's Message

Wunman njinde everyone and welcome to the 2024 school year.
Thank you for the warm welcome that has been extended during my first week as principal of Bairnsdale Secondary College.
I would like to acknowledge the privilege and responsibility of the role and to make clear my commitment to the students, staff and families of our College community.
I am very proud of the manner in which our students have started the school year. In particular the focus on individual students taking responsibility for their learning in classes and also in the respectful way our students are engaging with others.
School Uniform
The expectation is that all students will attend in school uniform. Thank you to students and families for your support with this. For those rare occasions when uniforms may not have made it out of the washing machine in time or have been misplaced, students are able to call in to their year level hub before school and access school uniform items at no cost. The administration and hub teams have been busy ensuring that spare uniforms are available straight away so that every student is able to wear their school uniform with pride.
This year we are improving our reporting structures and are transitioning to an ongoing reporting process utilising Compass. This will provide more regular updates regarding student engagement and achievement. Written student reports will continue to be provided at the end of terms 2 and 4 and parent/teacher conferences will continue to take place in terms 1 and 3.
Please refer to Administration page in this newsletter for more information.
I look forward to meeting more parents and carers as the school year unfolds. The education of a student is a partnership between home and school and I thank you for your support.
Tony Roberts