A Message from David & Cam...

It has been another fantastic fortnight at AGPS. The curriculum programs are in full swing (check out the Curriculum Newsletters page of this newsletter for an overview of what each year level is focusing on this term) and many extracurricular events and activities are starting to creep into the daily operation of the school. The students have continued the way they started the year and are all focused, ready to learn for each session and are making great progress. Thank you again for your support in making this a terrific start to the school year!
There is always a great deal of excitement when the prep/year 6 buddies finally get to meet! The Buddy Program is a key part of building school connectedness and strengthening our positive school culture. It has many benefits for both young and old and is wonderful to see the joy on all the students' faces when they spend time together. The students are looking forward to a great year together.
Our assemblies are a wonderful way for the whole school to come together and celebrate all the student achievements. Our school captains plan and prepare to host each assembly and always make it a great event for our community. In addition to handing out KEFAR and Running Club awards, each assembly features a performance by one of the classes where they showcase something they have been learning about.
Here is the list of upcoming assemblies and the classes performing. We look forward to seeing you there.
- TERM 1
- 23rd February - 4/5A
- 6th March - 4/5M **this is a Wednesday due to Curriculum Day on Friday
- 22nd March - 2/3C
- TERM 2
- 19th April - 2/3T
- 3rd May - 1A
- 17th May - 2/3S
- 31st May - 6E
- 14th June - 4/5N
- 28th June - 1K **this assembly will be at 2:00pm
- TERM 3
- 26th July - 2/3V
- 9th August - Prep G
- 23rd August - 2/3M
- 6th September - 6H
- 20th September - Prep J & 4/5Z **this assembly will be at 2:00pm
- TERM 4
- 18th October - 6F
- 1st November - Prep B
- 15th November - 1H
- 29th November - 1M
- 20th December - Final assembly no performance. This assembly will be at 12:30pm
The Resilience Project (TRP)
The Resilience Project was introduced last year and the feedback received from the students, families and staff was that it was a welcome addition to our wellbeing curriculum. The program provided meaningful opportunities for students and their teachers to discuss the key concepts of Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness through the teaching of Emotional Literacy. The objective is for the students to be able to apply these concepts in their everyday lives through a series of structured lessons. TRP lessons have begun this week and I encourage you to discuss with your child what they learnt this week in their TRP lesson.
And don't forget that a great and simple way to support the development of gratitude is to ask your child/ren 3 things that went well each day - we find it is always a nice way to finish the day for both the children and parents!
You can read more about TRP at https://theresilienceproject.com.au/
Student Leaders
We are really proud to announce our student leadership group for 2024
School Captains | |
Connor S | Harriet C |
Vice Captains | |
Georgia A | Jensen W |
Sports Leaders | |
Ollie W | Eliza M |
Bobbie W | Joseph U |
Maddy DV | Eric T |
STEM Leaders | |
Isabella P | Jimmy E |
Niels TM |
Art Leaders | |
Ash F | Briar W |
Melina S |
KEFAR Leaders | |
Kabir K | Adele J |
Brooklyn V | Sophia A |
Isabelle M | Amelia A |
Library Leaders | |
Zoey M | Isla E |
Mitch W | Jenna R |
Eve W | Amy S |
All of these students put a tremendous amount of effort into their applications and really considered their roles as leaders and what they can offer the school. I know that they will all be great role models for our younger students and will work diligently to make our school even better. Cam and I look forward to working with them all and supporting the development of their leadership
Elephant Ed - Grade 6, Puberty & Embracing Change
This term the Grade 6 students will undertake a series of workshops run by the Elephant Ed organisation that address the concepts of Puberty, Embracing Change, Body Safety and Identity. Prior to these workshops there is a Parent Information Webinar that Grade 6 families are encouraged to attend. Details were sent out on Compass earlier this week and we look forward to seeing many families join Elephant Ed online on Monday 26th February at 6.30pm.
Elephant Ed's workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
Family Picnic & Scavenger Hunt
This year we are reintroducing the Family Picnic as an event to welcome new and returning families to come together in a fun and social setting. We encourage you all to come along with a blanket and picnic or bring some cash and buy a tasty treat from the organised food trucks.
For a bit of fun we are running a scavenger hunt across our school which will involve a range of fun and challenging puzzles, games and activities for the whole family to enjoy with prizes for those who complete them all. Game maps will be available from 4:30pm from Gumbuya.
We hope to see you all there!
2025 Prep Information Night
We have our 2025 prep information session coming up on the 26th of March. If you know anyone who has a child who will begin prep in 2025 please ask them to register their interest in attending by contacting our office via phone (03 9360 0777) or email (altona.green.ps@education.vic.gov.au).
Details of the event can be found on our website or via our Facebook page.
eSafety Parent and Carer Webinars
Digital safety is an ever-evolving and increasingly challenging area. Ensuring that our students have safe online experiences requires a strong home/school partnership where we provide education, support, guidance and monitoring of digital technology use.
The eSafety Commissioner provides many resources for parents and carers. Please see below for a list of live webinars this term that give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
Have a great weekend,
David & Cam