Kinder/Year 1

Welcome to our first newsletter article for the year, and a big welcome to our new families.
Our year has started with building many routines, following instructions and practising expectations. After English, our kindergarten friends join in with the Year Ones each day from the third session until the end of the day. During these sessions, we have been introducing Religion, Geography and Mathematics lessons.
Expectations and weekly routines we are practising include:
- Home folders are returned daily for teachers to keep track of home learning.
- Being responsible for our own lunch boxes, drink bottles and hats.
- Learning at our desks, gathering and packing up our equipment.
- Moving around the school and knowing where facilities are.
- Returning to class promptly after outdoor breaks and sitting in the correct spot.
- Wearing the uniform correctly; ( eg, shirts tucked in during class time, sports uniform Fridays)
- Learning to borrow from the school library.
No wonder we are tired!
In Religion, we have discussed what God made in the world and visited the Church.
In geography, we have begun a unit on learning about where we live, beginning by exploring homes.
In mathematics, we have been investigating locations and directions. After reading the book “What the Ladybird Heard”, we used Bee-Bots and moved them around the farm from the story. This involved simple coding to ensure the Bee-Bot moved in the direction we wanted and how far we needed it to. There was a lot of trial and error involved in solving this challenge, but we worked in pairs to share ideas and help each other.
A student describes position and gives and follows simple directions.
A student represents and describes the positions of objects in familiar locations.