
Mrs Thomsen has never been so excited! We have NINETEEN students starting the music and band program with our 2024 intake! That means EVERY student in years two and three has taken this amazing opportunity on board. The school has invested approximately $14,000 in instruments, stands, and music, plus MUCH more in teaching time for the year, and your children could not be luckier.
The music timetable will remain fluid for a few weeks as we navigate new classroom timetables. So PLEASE make sure instruments and music come to school each TUESDAY.
There is ZERO wiggle room this year for lessons, so if your child has a planned absence, please let Mrs Thomsen know in advance so that we can try to work around it. If your child is sick or forgets their instrument, they will forfeit their lesson for the week. Mr Ernst has generously agreed to teach percussion this year. His timetable is also subject to change, so percussion students will have a flexible schedule. Due to this, we would encourage percussion students to have a spare set of sticks at school this year. We have a limited number at school available for $15 a pair.
As your children get older and become members of high school bands, the expectation is that they will learn their music independently. So our senior ensemble commenced their year with a group lesson focussed on developing independent and partner music learning skills. They did a great job and I look forward to hearing them next week!