Facebook Messenger

We are so thankful that we have Facebook Messenger as a way to communicate daily with parents. Please be aware that these messenger groups exist for communication between the school and parents for whole class or school events.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your individual child or personal questions these need to be addressed with a phone call or email to the school directly.
Please do not use the messenger group for information regarding:
- Student absences
- Changes in afternoon travel
- Lost items
- Posting emojis or responses as separate messages
This group exists to support you all, and we welcome all emergency questions regarding events of the day. Usually, previous newsletters or COMPASS will have the information you require. Please check these, or perhaps contact another parent before posting on the school messenger group to ensure important information is not missed by others because of a busy feed.
We understand that new parents will not have established relationships and often have more questions, so please don’t be worried about asking at the last minute if you have exhausted all other options and perhaps utilise the K/1 messenger group if your child is in that class. Otherwise, please call the school when you can.
Again, our messenger groups are there for you - but we need to ensure important information is not missed due to overuse.