Learning & Teaching

Learning through Discovery and My Project
What a privilege it has been to welcome our children back into our Hubs and learning spaces!
Over the next few weeks, our educators will tune our P-2 children into the dispositions needed to be an effective and focused Discoverer. Similarly, our educators have begun conversations with our children in years 3-6 about their passions and interests and how these might be applied to their own, personal project inquiries.
In preparation of our children’s return to school, our educators have strategically and intentionally designed Spaces that spark wonder and joy.
In our junior years, educators have created spaces that draw on explicit links to the Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry Curriculum areas. As our children become more familiar with the Spaces, they will continue to transfer the explicit learning they have gained from Target Groups into their discovery time.
In our older grades, the children are becoming more familiar with their new project spaces through whole group, shared projects. These shared opportunities will help prepare our children for their individual projects that they will commence in the coming weeks.
Learning through ‘Our Projects’
“These colours make me feel happy… I painted my happy house” (Prep child)
Through our shared project of ‘Visible and Invisible’ lines, our children have begun exploring the concepts of identity and choice. Through a series of encounters and experiences, our children have been led through an ‘investigation process’ where they have investigated the different ways in which they can feel healthy; and how the choices they make can impact their sense of health and wellbeing. For our older grades, the children have been exploring their sense of identity and have begun exploring the different factors that contribute to a positive sense of wellbeing. As we gather our children’s ‘first ideas’ and theories about their understanding of health and wellness, we will continue to offer opportunities for children to apply the Investigation Process to broaden their perspectives and elaborate on - or challenge the traditional understandings of what it means to be “healthy”.
Combined Learning experience - St Gabriel’s campus
19th February - 1st March
All St Stephen's children will be at St Gabriel’s campus. Due to staff shortage and staff on long service leave. As St Stephen’s is very small - the following numbers will join the St Gabriel’s hubs:
Prep: 2 children
One/Two: 9 children
Three / Four: 9 children
Five /Six: 6 children
We are still well below ratio in all areas of our school. We are blessed to be staffed extremely well - this supports our targeted learning approach.
Learning at Home
Homework Policy
Throughout Term 1, the children are learning about the Catholic Social Teachings of Subsidiarity and Participation. Through subsidiarity, we invite all members of the community to have a voice and to speak out on important issues. Participation calls us to be active in our home, school and community by listening to others and ensuring they are seen, heard and valued.
Our School scripture focus for Term 1 is
P-2 Scripture Focus
3-6 Scripture Focus
Digital Technology:
In February, all children have engaged in Digital Safety and Wellbeing sessions run by Inform & Empower. Children in Years 1-6 joined a live session run by Marty McGauran where they learnt about being safe online. Attached some resources stating what children learnt, along with conversation starters for home.
Parent Resources:
Digital Technology Agreement 2024
Earlier this week, all families were emailed our St Gabriel’s and St Stephen’s Digital Technology Agreement. Please read through and sign this with your child so that you are all aware of what is stated in the agreement.
Collection Notice