Grade 5/6


In reading the grade 5/6, students have wrapped up their Great Lakes of the World unit of learning and have now just this week moved on to the next unit, 'The Mayan, Aztec and Incan Civilizations'.  Within these units, students build their knowledge whilst focusing on comprehension and sentence-level writing.  I am proud of the work they have produced thus far.  In Writing, our focus on the persuasive genre continues.  We've been practising our use of persuasive techniques and placing those techniques either in posters promoting Cuba, or in written persuasive texts on the topic of their choice ( I am proud to announce not one student this term has chosen to argue that cats are better than dogs, or that basketball is the only sport that matters- thank goodness!!).



We've been diving into jerarquía de operaciones (order of operations) these past few weeks, and the kids are having a blast! They've been mastering the order, tackling fractions, exponents, and all sorts of other cool math challenges. Why not ask your child about the Figure it Out problems they've been working on? They might surprise you with what they've learned!


Give this code breaker a go...


Have you put your order in yet for a Churro end-of-term delight? Grade 6 Graduation and Big Day Out Celebration fundraiser.


🍩 What’s Happening?We are selling packs of churros to raise funds. Each pack includes 4 delicious churritos and a choice of either chocolate or caramel sauce. All items are halal.

📦 How to OrderEnvelopes will be coming home with your child. Please write how many packs you would like and specify the sauce for each set (chocolate or caramel).

💵 PaymentPlace the cash in the envelope and send it back to school with your child to their classroom teacher.

📅 Important Dates

  • RSVP by: Week 7 (Friday, August 30th)
  • Delivery: Last day of school as part of our cultural week celebration

📝 Important DetailsPlease ensure to keep envelopes for each class to make delivery easy. Each pack is $5, which includes 4 churritos and a sauce.

Thank you for your support! Let’s make this fundraiser a sweet success!