Student News

Student Leader News

Claude and Harper


This week, the St Michaels Community has been celebrating Book Week. On Tuesday, we had our Book Week Parade, where all of the school dressed up as their favourite characters from their favourite books. The parade was run by a few of the year 6 student leaders. All of the students' costumes were beautiful and unique, the teachers struggled to decide who the winners were! Even the teachers dressed up!


This week, the students have been doing some activities in the classrooms. On Wednesday, parents and grandparents came to do some activities with the kids. The students have been reading a couple of the shortlisted stories that were selected by the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia) this year.

Congratulations  to Parker, 5/6EH

Last weekend Parker and his under 12s Aberfeldie football team won the Grand Final. This is Parker's second season with the football club. Well done Parker.

Congratulations  to Ricky, 3/4T

Congratulations to Ricky for receiving gold medals for his efforts at Taekwondo. Keep up the good work Ricky!!

If your child has received a special award for activities they are involved in outside of school hours we would love to acknowledge and congratulate them on their efforts. Please send photos and the details to Indi.