Previous news and information

Annie Herbison

This page will specifically be used for previous information that has been printed in our newsletter and will act as a "REMINDER page" for you to check what is still in date but perviously published. I hope this can be helpful for you! ~ Annie

2024 School Fees and Levies

We wish to thank families who have recently paid their school fees and who continue their payment plans. If you are struggling to pay it off in large amounts, please remember we can make arrangements for you to pay in smaller instalments that can work for you. If you wish to arrange a payment plan, please contact Kathy Muhllechner in the school office or via email



Just a reminder that our new uniform policy allows for children to have the option to wear either their school or sports uniform on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays each week. Naturally they will need sports uniform on their PE day.

Psychology Services

As mentioned in previous newsletters, St Michael's School has partnered with Advanced Psychology to provide assessment and counselling services for families in our community. We ask that if you are interested in any services that are provided by a qualified psychologist, that you please make contact with Advanced Psychology, using the booking procedures below. You may call to get advice about the services and ask questions as well. Please note that your communication and any services undertaken are completely confidential. St Michael's School simply provides the site for these services to take place.


Parent Information from Advanced Psychology

Just so parents are aware, from time to time, Advanced Psychology offers online sessions for parents around a range of needs. Last term we were notified of a session about Neurodivergence; Understanding Autism & ADHD, which we advertised in our newsletter.  For interested parents, you can go to the Advanced Psychology website, to the Blogssection, for the recording of this session as well as other sessions they have offered.

Hands on Music

Hands On Music is a company St Michael's has been using for some time.  If you wish for your child to learn an instrument this year, please make contact with Jen Capon via email: or phone: 0402 910 330