Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards will be presented at our School Assembly held every second Friday @ 2.45pm in the Hall (even weeks). The next Assembly is Week 8 - Friday September 6. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Awards presented at Assembly in Week 6 were:-
Foundation |
- Oliver Brennan (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard on learning to read the pink and yellow words. Keep up the amazing work!
- Chester Shepherd (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard on, and achieving your learning goal of writing your letters carefully on the dotted thirds. Your handwriting is absolutely beautiful Chester - keep up the wonderful work!
- Ruby Michell (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ - Congratulations Ruby on your wonderful efforts in literacy. You continue to read with lovely fluency, and your writing tasks are always neat with excellent spelling attempts. Your enthusiasm for learning and trying your best is fabulous! Keep up the great work.
Year 1 & 2 |
- Lachlan Cornish (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for achieving excellent results with your Math Mates. Lachlan, it’s always great to see your excitement when completing Math Mates. You take the time to think critically about your answers. Well done.
- Josh Maiai (12NW) - ‘Be Responsible’ for making strong choices with your learning throughout the day. Josh, you strive to use every minute of your learning time and your work is always done to a great standard. Well done.
- Bella Vuk (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for using different verbs as your sentence starters when writing your method. This makes your writing exciting to read. Well done Bella!
- Jude Kelly (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’’ for using your time wisely in class and refining your idea to successfully complete the ‘Sandwich Robot’ writing task to a high standard. Great work Jude!
- Scarlett Booth (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for being a helpful and considerate classroom member who always puts herself before others. Thank you for being a positive role model.
- Hudson Gladman (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for an amazing effort with your home reading and spelling. Your dedication to improving in these areas is starting to show in your class work.
Year 3 & 4 |
- Joey Strom (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working really hard on your maths goals to help solve 2 digit addition and worded problems. Keep up the hard work!
- Calyn White (34ZH) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for always looking to help everyone in the classroom. You are such a great little helper for students and staff at St Joseph’s.
- Harlan Cleary (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for settling back into the classroom magnificently. Harlan it has been a pleasure to have you back with us!
- Kayden Brennan (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making great choices and applying himself to all learning tasks. Keep up the great work Kayden!
- Edie Evans (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for focusing on learning the new skill of cursive handwriting. It has been wonderful to see your writing develop throughout this term. Well done on achieving your learning goal Edie!
- Arabella Higgins (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for learning how to write in cursive handwriting. It has been wonderful to see you learn this new skill and write so beautifully. Congratulations on achieving your goal Arabella!
- Sienna Richardson (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for being a kind and caring member of our classroom who always tries her best. Keep up the great work Sienna!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Flynn Watters (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for aiming to get the best out of himself during Writing lessons. Keep striving to use your time wisely during class time. Well done, Flynn!
- Evie Ludeman (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her attention to detail in her homework submission. Evie always enters her homework to the best of her ability and strives to get it in on time. Well done!
- Paddy Treanor (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your interest and application to tasks in measurement. You think creatively, listen to instructions and complete all tasks asked of you. Well done.
- Ace Witt (56EN) - ‘Be Responsible’ for taking on your learning goal responsibly and with enthusiasm. Ace, you set yourself up for success each writing session by being organised and focused on your task. Great to see your handwriting continue to improve each day.
- Katie Govett (56EN) - ‘Be your Best’ for putting 100% into your learning. Katie you ask for help, listen to advice and always work to the best of your ability. Great to see your confidence continuing to grow in maths. Well Done!
- Ella Brown (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her amazing handwriting. It’s great to see the growth in your handwriting when you slow down and take your time. Keep up the good work Ella.
- Piper Gwynn (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her effort in the classroom. Piper always works diligently to complete her work efficiently and to a high standard. Well done Piper.
We wish many happy returns to all September birthdays - Peggy Freemantle (12NW), Zeke Tamblyn (56LB), Millie Jensen (12NW), Brady Brown (56EN), Oscar Johannesen (34LD), Rupert McMillan (34ZH), Leo Nihill (34ZH), Thomas Marasco (56EN), Ella Cornish (56LB), Hamish Trimble (34LD), Ned Buckeridge (34LD), Harvey McMillan (56TD), Joshua Maiai (12NW), Ruby Dean (56LB), Sophia Harvey FSC), Atticus McAllan (34ZH), Abigail White (FBW), Albie Buckeridge (12NW), Denzel Summerhayes (FBW), Poppy Ken (12NW), Lenny Shields (12NW), Max Shields (12NW) and Liam Tarrant (56LB),
We also wish Ibu Etty Lerk a very happy birthday.