
School Production 2025
We are already in the process of organising our school production for 2025. We are waiting for Clocktower dates to open and will request a date in September. The title of our production is ‘The Amazing Adventures of Superstan.’ Students from Years Three to Six have started looking at the script. Students from Years 4 and 5 (2024), who are interested in auditioning will be asked to sign up at the end of this term. At school, they will be given a copy of the script, an Expression of Interest form and a contract. They will be asked to bring these back at the start of Term 4. Auditions will take place on October 30th and 31st. It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm amongst the students already.
Holy Rosary Art Show 2024
As mentioned in previous newsletters, the Art Show is rapidly approaching. It is on Thursday October 24th from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm in Mercy Hall. If you have a creative flair and you would like to help me in setting up during the day on Thursday 24th, please send me an email at I am also after people to help creating food platters as well as packing up after the art show on Friday October 25th. If you are able to assist with any of these tasks please let me know at the above email address.
Andrea, Arts teacher