Principal's News

Staff Professional Learning
Today our staff are gathering to work together on the further development of our Intervention Framework. This day is a direct follow on from our last Student Free Day where our focus was on our school’s culture and the Mercy charism. This foundational work sets the scene for the development of future policies and processes. We thank you for working around our schedule of student free days.
Parents will shortly receive a link via email to access Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process where schools listen to the thoughts and feelings that students, families and staff have to inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement for our school. The survey can be accessed from Wednesday 4 September and needs to be completed by Friday 20 September 2024. This survey may only be completed once. A comprehensive letter is included with the survey. We value your opinion and urge all families to offer feedback. Look out for the email.
Father’s Day
It was wonderful to see so many Dads and special men come along to our ‘Dads and Donuts.’ We hope you enjoyed the coffee and donuts, and we thank you for making the time to celebrate with us.
We hope you enjoyed a fabulous day yesterday, celebrating the important role you play in nurturing and loving your children.
Father’s Day Stall
Thank you to Taryn for sourcing a range of gifts for our students to buy as gifts for their Dads and other special men. We appreciate your time and coordination of this, and also recognise the team of parent helpers who supported you.
The UV is hovering between 3 and 4 most days now, especially in the lunch time periods, and sun protection is recommended. It is important that all students have hats at school. Please check that your child has a school hat. Your child will bring home a notification slip if they do not have a hat so that you can follow up to ensure they are protected from these harmful UV rays.
Whooping Cough
Whooping cough is still circulating in our school community. Please continue to monitor for symptoms and visit your GP for testing.
Save the Date
Our Flemington Kensington Parish will have a visit from Bishop Martin Ashe on the weekend of Friday 25 October- Sunday 27 October. Bishop Martin will visit us at school on Friday morning for Mass, a school tour and morning tea and then on Sunday there will be a parish celebration of Holy Rosary Day at 10:30am Mass, followed by refreshments in the school hall. Please note this date in your calendar so that you can join us for this special celebration.
Long Service Leave
I will be taking Long Service Leave to travel to the UK over the coming weeks. My last day at school will be Wednesday. During my leave, Maria will be Acting Principal, and Sarah will be Acting Deputy, also working Monday-Friday. I will return to school in Week 2 of Term 4.
Plans for our roof
I have been meeting with MACS staff following our unsuccessful application for funding. With MACS support, we are looking at our borrowing capacity and making plans for the installation of a new roof.
Help Us Plan for 2025
We are planning for 2025. It is critical that we employ the correct number of staff and ensure these teachers are the highest quality candidates. To help us to achieve this goal, we ask you to support us in these two ways:
- If you are leaving Holy Rosary in 2025, please let us know as soon as you know. Even if you think leaving is a possibility, please tell us to assist with our planning. Please let the office know.
- Please promote Holy Rosary in the local community. Classes that have optimal numbers ensure the best learning opportunities across the board.
Well done Wilma in 5/6S and Elsbeth 1/2S for completing the challenge.
Login the Challenge application here
Challenge ends on 6 September 2024. Books must be entered before the date to be counted.
National School Netball Tournament
Congratulations to Jobe who will play in the National School Netball Tournament at Parkville on Sunday 8th - Friday 12 September. Jobe is proud to be representing Holy Rosary and Victoria. If you’d like to watch Jove in action, times are as follows:
Sunday 8 September | 9:45 | 2:00 |
Monday 9 September | 9:00 | 2:30 |
Tuesday 10 September | 9:00 | 2:30 |
Thursday 12 September | 9:00 | 2:30 |
Friday 13 September | 10:10 | 12:10 |
Here’s to a wonderful week ahead,