Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 3


Aso (12B) For always having a positive and determined attitude towards learning, you are always using your initiative during class to be ready to learn!

Matilda (34A) - by taking on the responsibility of looking after the chickens. Tilly has overcome many obstacles, mostly (chicken poop) to make sure the chickens have food and water. You would make a great farmer Tilly. 

Kieren (56A) For always making others feel included and welcome, whether it be in class, in group projects or in games. You look out for others and make sure that everyone feels listened to. We are so lucky to have you in 5/6A! Thanks for being an amazing student and peer.

Evie (56B) Foralways trying her best and looking at how to improve her work. Evie has a beautiful soul and it is clear she cares about the people in her community



Week 4


 Lyle (12A) For listening carefully and following instructions. You showed excellent responsibility by helping set up and pack up the games for our mini Olympic day. You are a super star! 

City (12B) For always listening to other's point of view and respecting opinions, especially during our persuasive topic in English! I love hearing your contributions in class discussions. Great job, superstar!

Zephyr (56A) For returning to school with a positive attitude and a strong commitment to catching up on missed learning. Your focus during class discussions and dedication to completing your tasks have been truly impressive. Great job, Zephyr!

Sam (56B) by always helping others inside and outside the classroom, his thoughtfulness and care towards his peers and the way he speaks to and about the people in the 5/6 Unit is absolutely lovely! We are very lucky to have you in our grade, Sam!