Middle School News-Yr 3/4

Upcoming events: -
Monday 19th August | Book Week (Till the 23rd August 2024). | Thursday 19th September | Madagascar Production at Genazzano |
Friday 30th August | Father’s Day Breakfast | Friday 20th September | Term 3 Concludes @ 1pm |
Tuesday 10th September | District Athletics |
Take a look at all the amazing work the 3/4 students have been doing!
- Student’s need to bring their charged device everyday.
- Canteen on Monday & Friday, student’s are responsible for their own money.
- Assembly is now held fortnightly on a Friday Morning in the Atrium.
PE Uniform Required
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
PE - Monday Class Sport - Friday | PE - Monday Class Sport - Tuesday | PE - Tuesday Class Sport - Friday |
Parent - Teacher Communication
3/4 KM | 3/4 TM | 3/4 M |
Monday-Thursday Cecily Kerr: ckerr@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
Friday Leah Blake:lblake@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au
| Monday-Wednesday, Friday Olivia Tallarico: otallarico@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au Thursday Diandra Merola: dmerola@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au | Lucy McNamara: lcmnarama@olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au |