Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is the end of week 8 and we have only 2 weeks to go until the end of Term 3!


As always, we have been very busy with lots of activities happening within our College and many groups of students have been out in the community.


VM Hospitality


This week we have had our VM (Vocational Major) students complete Hospitality courses onsite.  Staff have been very lucky to enjoy some of the coffees made by our students under the guidance of a barista.  VM students have also been running a cafe over the last couple of weeks.  Staff and students have had the opportunity to purchase many delicious dishes over the last couple of weeks including rice paper rolls and poached pear tarts to name a few.



Parent/Teacher conferences


At the end of Term 3 we have parent/teacher conferences planned for our families and students. You will receive a notification soon to welcome you to make appointments via Compass.


Parent Teacher Conferences will run on the following dates and times:

  • Thursday 19th September 5:00 pm-8:00 pm (face-to-face only)
  • Friday 20th September 9:00 am-12:00 pm (Webex and telephone only)

These conferences are a great opportunity to chat with your student's teachers to celebrate their progress and how they are tracking.  We encourage all families to make appointments.


Year 8 camp


This week our Year 8 students have been at Camp Coolamatong for their 3-day Resilience Camp.  On Thursday morning I had the opportunity to have breakfast with the students and the feedback from camp was very positive. Students and staff have had a great time participating in the activities and building relationships.  Everyone will sleep well when they return.














Tony Roberts


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