Learning Across the ELC

Banksia Room

The Olympics

Over the last few weeks, in the Banksia Room, students engaged in creative projects to celebrate the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Using cylinder paper rolls and paint, they made their own versions of the iconic Olympic rings, exploring colour mixing and enhancing their fine motor skills. The activity also introduced them to the concept of the Olympic rings, sparking discussions about sports, unity, and global awareness. The hands-on project fostered patience and concentration, making it a fun and educational way to connect with art, sports, and teamwork.

In conjunction with the ongoing Olympics, the Banksia Room organized a mini-Olympic event to promote sportsmanship and physical activity. The children first discussed the Olympics and its significance as an international sporting event before participating in various activities. 


Abby - "My mum knows that (the Olympics)" 

Ivy - "It's on the TV" 

Oliver - "They do running" 


They enjoyed a mini soccer game, an obstacle course, a bean bag toss, gymnastics, and even crafted their own medals. This event provided a practical understanding of the Olympics while encouraging teamwork and physical fitness.


Ms Alicia Carr

Early Childhood Teacher


Our Preschoolers really enjoyed being part of the Loreto College Wellness Week. It was a great link to our 'Community Connections' inquiry and a fabulous link to the child protection curriculum too. On Monday we engaged in some mindfulness experiences with the Junior school children in the Hall. On Tuesday we worked as a team with the whole College to construct the Olympic Rings on the Acacias lawn, with our yellow uniforms we created the inner part of the yellow ring. On Wednesday we engaged in a bookmark making activity, opening discussions about healthy food choices to nourish our bodies. Then on Thursday the Year 12 students visited our room, helping us to make some ‘thankful’ bracelets, it was the most wonderful experience. Children thoroughly enjoyed our older visitors, and they engaged in meaningful conversations while making their bracelets. 

Through all these wellness events we were able reinforce and validate children's feelings, especially with the children taking part in experiences with so many unfamiliar faces and in some unfamiliar spaces.

The Preschool Team