Learning Across the 

Junior School

From the Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School

Art Exhibition 

It has been a delight to discover the abundance of artistic talent within our school. This week, Junior School students proudly showcased their artwork in the square, highlighting their achievements in the visual arts. A special thank you goes to all the classroom teachers and to Jacky Hamilton and Jo Maycock for their efforts in coordinating this wonderful exhibition. 

Wellness Week 

Last week, our girls had the fantastic opportunity to participate in a range of wellness activities coordinated by Lydia Baccanello and her wonderful SEAD team. A standout event was certainly the "Big Sister Little Sister” SEAD Activities. The Senior School students joined the Junior School for a diverse range of activities, and it was heartwarming to see the girls connecting, sharing stories of gratitude, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

School Photos Reminder 

As you know, the Junior School photos are on Wednesday, 21 August. All students are required to wear full winter uniform on this day. Please ensure your daughter returns the photo envelope to school by Wednesday morning. Due to a clash with a SAPSASA event, we have rescheduled the Junior School co-curricular photos to Friday, 6 September. 


Student Absentee Notification

This is just a reminder if your daughter is late or absent from school; it is essential that you contact the College. If the office is not open, a message can be left on the answering service, Junior School Reception: 8334 4240  or you can inform the College via the Loreto College Marryatville App or email: student.services@loreto.sa.edu.au.  Thank you for your ongoing support. 


Ms Lisa Sexton

Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School


Technologies and Inventions in Year 2

This term in Inquiry, Year 2 are exploring inventions! Our big questions are: What is an invention? How have inventions changed our lives? How can inventions solve problems? Integrating Technologies, HASS, Science and English, we are exploring various types of inventions as well as the design thinking process engineers use when inventing new technology.


To begin the term, we considered what we already know about inventions and generated questions we want answered throughout the unit. In Week 2, we began looking at how inventions have impacted how we travel – specifically the invention of the car. Students were particularly fascinated by the Model T Ford, the first mass-produced car in 1908. 


In Weeks 3 and 4, students practiced their researching skills to investigate the evolution of the telephone. We learnt that Alexander Graham Bell invited the first telephone in 1876, and inventors have been inventing and improving upon his invention ever since. 


Later this term, students will have the opportunity to become inventors and use the design thinking process to improve upon existing technology. 


We have also been very lucky this term to integrate Digital Technologies with the help of Ms Ryley Martin from the Senior School. Students have enjoyed visiting the Multimedia Lab each week to practice our computer and typing skills. 

There is some amazing learning happening in Year 2! 


Ms Sarah Shaw and Ms Liz Woods

Year 2 Teachers


Year 5 Art Exhibition

During Refugee Week, our Year 5 students engaged deeply with the experiences of the refugee community in Australia. We explored the concept of what it means to be a refugee and the challenges they often face. Through thoughtful discussions, the students gained a profound appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy in our country and how lucky we are.

As a creative response, the students expressed where they feel most free through art. Using their skills in textiles and sewing, the girls collaborated to create a meaningful patchwork piece that symbolises their reflections.

Ms Xzenia Dottore

R-6 Teacher


Science Week

In celebration of Science Week, we are excited to share some highlights from our students' participation in the Oliphant Science Awards. These projects showcase the incredible curiosity and creativity of our young scientists.

We hope these endeavors inspire you to explore the wonders of science together with your child. Let's encourage their curiosity and nurture their passion for discovery!


Ms Magdalene Kho

Language Teacher/International Student Coordinator