Learning Across the 

Senior School

2024 Chinese Language Awards


The Chinese Language Teachers' Association of South Australia will host an annual Awards Ceremony next week to celebrate the outstanding achievements of students in Chinese language learning across South Australia. Congratulations Izzy Harris (Year 9) for being an Award recipient this year! The awards ceremony will be held at St Peter's College, Memorial Hall on Friday, 23 August.  We are extremely proud of you, Izzy! 


Xuewei Wang 

Chinese Teacher Years 6-12


In Week 3, the Year 7 and 8 French students went to a concert at St Peter’s College. Etienne, the French educator and rock star, treated French learners from across the city to an hour of his hit songs as part of his world tour. These songs have proven a hit in the class as they provide a fun and interactive way of learning French. The students loved the chance to dance, sing and have fun. It was a wonderful experience, and the students were exemplary in showcasing their Loreto spirit to the wider community. 


“This concert was very fun, interactive, inclusive and downright funny. Etienne was intent on getting everyone involved and made sure everyone who wanted something signed got something signed. The songs were very memorable and a great and fun way to learn important French, it was an amazing concert!”

Lily Paech, Year 7


“It was a unique, pleasant and engaging experience. Not only did Etienne explain the meaning behind his music, but he brought passion to the stage, interacting with the crowd to make it such a memorable performance for all. It is certainly something I will never forget.”

Michelle Famuyide, Year 7

Mr Matthew Houston

French Teacher


Science Week 


In keeping with this year's Science Week theme, "Species Survival – More Than Just Sustainability", students have been visiting Lumination Lab and immersing themselves into the Amazon Rainforest, exploring its vibrant ecosystems and connecting with Earth's biodiversity in a whole new way.