Sowing the SEADs of Success

On Tuesday members of the SEAD team attended the presentation “Anxiety in your Child” hosted Dr Justin Couslon. Dr Justin Couslon is:

  • Number 1 Rated Parenting Speaker
  • PhD in Positive Psychology
  • Writer of 9 Parenting Books
  • Co-host of Channel Nine’s Parental Guidance
  • Host of the Number 1 Parenting Podcast in Australia
  • Proud father, with his wife Kylie, of 6 children and grandfather of 1 granddaughter.

Justin was engaging and challenged his audience to review statistics surrounding young people and their wellbeing, in particular young girls. After listening to his presentation, I felt reassured about the work that we do within our Social, Emotional and Academic Development (SEAD) program, and the support structures we have in place for the girls from reception to Year 12 at Loreto. 


I am looking forward to reading his book below, where Justin has surveyed 400 girls to find out more about the challenges our daughters face with social media, friends, boys, anxiety and identity. (Please send me an email if you would like to borrow it). 

He explains tips how we can help and connect with our teenage daughters 


“There has never been a better time to be a teenage girl. But perhaps there has never been a harder time"


Further reading: 

Parenting Resources - Happy Families


Photo Days 

SAVE the dates for our upcoming College Photo Days 

Week 5

  • Wednesday 21 August – School photos of Individual, Class (envelope required) and Leadership 
  • Friday 22 August: Senior School 

Cocurricular Photos:

  • Friday 6 September: Junior School 

Venue - Photos will take place in the Square and Junior School Hall


Important Instructions – Please read… 

Students will receive individual personalised envelopes in homeroom from their mentor teacher – see a sample below: 

Week 5 

  • Everyone has their photo taken (used for ID cards in Senior School and on Loreto Connect) 
  • Students must have their personalised envelope with them on Wednesday 21/8
  • A schedule of the timing of photos on the day will be communicated to students and posted on Loreto Connect in Week 5 
  • Please note Year 12 Graduating class of 2024 and Jubilarians will have their photo taken on Wednesday at RECESS; (don’t need envelope for Year 12 or Jubilarian) 
  • Students must be wearing uniform correctly - please refer to uniform guidelines here

CASH payment can be made on the day with the correct amount (no change can be given). 

In solidarity with Rostrevor College, the Senior Student Leadership Team participated in the Blue Week netball match last Friday with Rostrevor who were raising money for Beyond Blue. Head Girl Fearne Rosenbauer promoted awareness about mental health at assembly this week.


Ms Emma Searle

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement