Kitchen Garden

On Tuesday 20th of August, students in Year 1/2 began their first gardening session. We spoke about what is growing in our garden, toured our vegetable patches to see if anyone recognised any of the plants and discussed how the change of seasons impacts our plants’ growth. True to Melbourne weather, we experienced everything from wind to sun to rain! This allowed more conversation about what our plants need and like at this time of year.
As we toured our garden beds, we noticed that our rocket plant had ‘gone to seed’, meaning it had produced flowers and seed pods. We were then able to discuss the self-seeding magic of plants. A question that students also wondered was why that plant was called ‘rocket’. We brainstormed this question and initially the feedback was that it was called this because it grows like a rocket, shooting its plants tall and high, into to sky.
We then harvested some of our rocket and parsley, before washing it and taste-testing both to compare the flavours. At this point, students discovered it might be called rocket because it is a bit hot and spicy, and strong in flavour.
Lastly, we did some garden maintenance, which involved: weeding, sweeping, mulching, trimming dried stems to allow for new growth, clearing a vegetable bed, airing the soil and topping with compost ready to plant new plants, and finally planting lettuce and spinach seeds. We look forward to observing these plants sprout and flourish in weeks to come!
Thank you,
Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator