Chatham Happenings

Year 1/2 Cultural Infusion
On Thursday the 15th August, all Year 1 and 2 students gathered in the Performing Arts space for our two-hour Intercultural Incursion with Mr Mark Lumley.
This incursion complimented our Term 3 unit on Geography and Interpersonal and Intercultural relationships. This builds on the discussion we have about different cultures, particularly with our big focus of the Indigenous Australians along with the land of Australia. Students learned about the Aboriginal names for the different parts of Australia such as Yorta Yorta which is along the Murray River where Mark Lumley’s Aboriginal people originate from. Then we learned how to say some of the Australian animals in Aboriginal language such as Emu, Barrimal, Possum and Wilai. We then saw some Aboriginal tools carved from a Red Gum tree, such as music percussion sticks.
Mark assisted our Geography unit by showing the Year 1 and 2 students where he was from and then spoke about the history of Chatham Primary School and the age of our friendship tree. The incursion then moved onto story maps and storylines to create stories from the Dreamtime using Indigenous Australian symbols such as a water whole or emu bird tracks, which were shown on a map and drawn onto the whiteboard. Students then had the opportunity to create their own story map or storylines.
Mark showed us a possum skin. We then were lucky to enjoy the sunny weather out on the oval and go outside for a game, one class at a time playing with a possum fur rolled into a ball which looked like a fur ball. This is a game that the Aboriginal children play. It is a ball game where you must share the ball with everyone and anyone, not throwing the ball to the same people. Once it is dropped three times, the group is out and then the next group or class in our case comes up to play. It was very enjoyable and a lot of fun for our Year 1 and 2 students. A great Incursion lead by Mark Lumley to help our students connect more to the Australian land and our Indigenous Australians who were the first people to occupy and cultivate the land, in which we pay our dearest respects to.
Ms Anita Bucceri
Year 1/2 Teacher
CBCA Book Week
Each year since 1945, the CBCA has brought children and books together across Australia through the CBCA Book Week. During this time, schools and public libraries spend the week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. Classroom teachers, teacher librarians and public librarians develop activities and read stories to highlight the importance of reading, as well as promoting a lifelong love for it.
On Wednesday 21st August, we held our annual Book Week Parade at Chatham Primary School to celebrate the CBCA Book Week. This was a wonderful event, thoroughly enjoyed by students, staff and visitors. It was fantastic to see our students and staff dressed-up in costumes of their favourite book characters.
On the day, we also raised money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Thank you for your gold coin donations!
Ms Kirstie Briggs
Foundation Teacher/ Literacy Coordinator
Rotary Speech Competition
On Tuesday 20th August, Elizabeth Martinelli (Year 6) and James Newberry (Year 5) participated in the Mont Albert and Surrey Hills Rotary Speech Competition Finals at Our Lady’s Primary School. There were 2 students from 6 other local schools competing in the competition. Our students did a wonderful job presenting their speeches. They displayed great confidence speaking in front of a large audience and represented Chatham Primary School wonderfully. Congratulations Elizabeth and James!
Mr Zac Barry
Year 5/6 Teacher
Art Mural
‘Maybe a Miracle’ Performance
On Wednesday 28th of August, the whole school watched the ‘Maybe a Miracle’ musical. This was performed by Perform Education as part of our CBCA Book Week celebrations. The musical was based on some of the CBCA Shortlist books for 2024, including ‘Timeless’ by Kelly Canby, ‘The Concrete Garden’ by Bob Graham and ‘Country Town’ by Isolde Martyn and Robyn Ridgeway. The story followed the main character, Charlie, who wondered if a miracle was what he needed to change things for the better when he was faced with challenges. However, when something totally unexpected reveals that there are miracles happening all around him, he needed to figure out what to do with them. This interactive performance explored the theme of gratitude and making the most of even the most ordinary situations, as well as celebrating the power of positive thinking. Everyone enjoyed this exciting addition to our Book Week celebrations for 2024.
Ms Kirstie Briggs
Foundation Teacher/Literacy Coordinator
Chatham Stars
On Monday 26th of August during Assembly, we had a marvellous aerobic and gymnastics performance choreographed by some of our Year 1 students. They have called themselves ‘The Stars’ and wish to continue to practise their dance routines. The students were dressed-up with shiny gold bows and gold tinsel. The Stars were very excited to present their gymnastics skills where the whole school and our parent community was able to enjoy this special performance. Well done, you stars!
Ms Anita Bucccieri
Year 1/2 Teacher