Being Well at Magill

Year 6 Leaders Report

A group of year six leaders attended a recent Governing Council meeting to talk about their core work this year. It went something like this…….

Gathering with fellow student leaders from Magill’s partnership schools to meet, network, participate in team building games, analyse and compare 2022 and 2023 Wellbeing Engagement Collection (WEC) data and create plans to improve wellbeing across the partnership. 


'Collaborating with other schools in team building games was definitely the best part of partnership days!’

Every year, our student leaders analyse the WEC data, to identify two or three specific areas for targeted improvement. A plan is then devised and actioned over the following 12 months. The 2023/2024 focus will be on verbal bullying, emotional regulation, and wellbeing literacy. 


'The year 6 leaders are going to spend the rest of term 4 discussing our action plan for next year's leaders to continue. Stay updated for more details.'

Analysing WEC data is hard work, therefore movement breaks are important to keep energy levels up and brains focussed. At Governing Council on Monday evening, student leaders shared their favourite 2023 energiser: ‘Minute to Win It.’ 


'Minute to win It is a series of games consisting of Cookie Monster, Suck It Up and Rice Bowl. It was a fun way to have a break after long hours of work. The parents at Governing Council had lots of fun enjoying an energising break.'


'We all had fun at the Governing Council, sharing our ideas and our fun game, Minute To Win It.'


Amelia and Rachael (on behalf of the year 6 leaders)



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