Declan and Xavier's Chess Club - ST NICHOLAS PODCAST EPISODE 4


Year 2 has been working hard and has thoroughly enjoyed learning about the body parts of insects in Science. Students have had the opportunity to examine insects in resin and to create their own insect using plasticine. 


Year 2 has been learning about the Rosary and Reconciliation this month during Religion lessons. We enjoyed participating in Socktober for Catholic Mission. 


We have been reading and examining the wonderful text, George’s Marvellous Medicine, by Roald Dahl and students have been writing Narratives. We are enjoying our Presentation Night rehearsals and can’t wait to show you our performance on the night!



Year 5's have had a big term so far. We have had Leadership Day where we learnt about how to be a good leader and what qualities a good leader has. We played a lot of team building games and even had time for pizza and a zooper dooper. We ended the day off with activities we set up for the Year 4's to show off our leadership skills and introduce ourselves, leading up to House Captain voting.


We went to camp in week 2 and it was filled with loads of fun activities. We went BMXing, did some archery, canoeing, kayaking, slip and slide and even had a mini Olympics. It was great to be able to spend the night in a big room with 9 of our friends, although it was hard to fall asleep with all the excitement and chatting.


In class we have been learning about bushfires, plant and animal adaptations, informational reports, biographies, area and so much more. We celebrated the Melbourne Cup with our own horse races which ended in more laughs than anything else.